Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The purpose and goal of the Council on Foreign Relations is globalization. With members like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John McCain, Ted Turner, Michael Eisner and a slew of other media and political titans their objectives are assured. Prophecy tells us this. How? Because contrary to popular belief -- the war that was started in Heaven over the commandments of God and is coming to a climax here on earth (Rev. 12:7-9), is not going to find its fulfillment in a deserted valley somewhere in Israel. It is a GLOBAL event. God has forewarned us that the kings and governments of the earth will be working together in a collaboration of sorts, to persecute the people of God.
"And he (the second beast) exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
? (Rev 13:12)
"For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
" (Rev 16:14)
"And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
" (Rev 13:8)
"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
" (Rev 12:9)
"And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do.." (Rev 13:14)
Do you see that Satan will use the powers of the world to "causeth the earth and them which dwell therein" to be deceived into false worship? This includes "all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond.
" (Rev 13:16)
The devil uses the kings of the earth to persecute God's people. This is what happened when Nebuchadnezzar persecuted Daniel and his friends. This is what happened when Pharoah persecuted the Hebrews. This is what happened when the Rabbi's went to Pilate to get the authority to crucify the Messiah. This is what happened when Rome fell and its authority was given to the Church of Rome which killed and tortured between 50 and 150 million souls! This is what happened in Russia, Goa, Spain, and even colonial America! In the 17th & 18th centuries not attending church on Sunday was a crime punishable by fines, imprisonment and in some cases death. History will repeat itself, but this time on a GLOBAL SCALE. Globalization means sovereignty of nations must be reduced and even eliminated. The best way to accomplish this in America is obviously to destroy its prosperity and economic power. Is this happening today? In order to deceive nations and people into thinking globalization is a good thing there must be a global threat. Ever heard of global warming? A unification of nations and people cannot occur without a common cause.
Take the information below seriously and see how America is being systematically destroyed, the people of the earth brainwashed and deceived, and learn how the Council on Foreign relations is leading the world to embrace globalization which will lead to the final fulfillment of the war between God and Satan. It began in Heaven but will end on earth. The battle lines are being deceptively drawn, and if your not paying attention you've already been deceived. I can almost guarantee it.
"But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.
" (1Pe 4:7)
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: William - In Christ alone USMC
Date: Mar 25, 2008 10:02 PM
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Irish American Patriot
Date: Mar 25, 2008 11:30 PM
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Zag
Date: Mar 25, 2008 8:14 PM
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: ▲ Georgilla Knows J911OB Gorilla ▼
Date: Mar 23, 2008 7:41 PM
"The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the American Branch of a society which originated in England...(and) ...believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established.
" -Carrol Quigley, member of CFR and mentor to Bill Clinton
"The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is promoting the disarmament of U.S.
Sovereignty and national independence and submergence into an all powerful, one world government" - Admiral Chester Ward, former CFR member and Judge Advocate general of the US Navy
"Once the ruling members of the CFR shadow government have decided that the US Government should adopt a particular policy... the very substantial research facilities of (the) CFR are put to work to develop arguments, intellectual and emotional, to support the new policy... and to confound and discredit, intellectually and politically, any opposition.
" - Admiral Chester Ward, former CFR member and Judge Advocate general of the US Navy
Ron Paul Explains the CFR and Exposes and their Agenda
Add to My Profile
The Onion Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 08 Sham Election
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The CFR Controls the Media Almost Completely
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CFR NAU 2008 Candidates
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North American Union and VeriChip Truth
Lou Dobbs Tonight NAU Super Highway Part 2 Feb. 20. 2008
Roster of CFR/Trilateral Commission Members
http://www. apfn. org/apfn/cfr-members. htm
Members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission dominate key positions in America's government, military, industries, media outlets and educational foundations and institutions. The following is a partial list of current CFR members and the positions of influence they hold in society. The CFR's membership is limited to 3,000, and there are only 325 Trilateral Commission members.
"The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the American Branch of a society which originated in England...(and) ...believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established.
" -Carrol Quigley, member of CFR and mentor to Bill Clinton
"The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is promoting the disarmament of U.S.
Sovereignty and national independence and submergence into an all powerful, one world government" - Admiral Chester Ward, former CFR member and Judge Advocate general of the US Navy
"Once the ruling members of the CFR shadow government have decided that the US Government should adopt a particular policy... the very substantial research facilities of (the) CFR are put to work to develop arguments, intellectual and emotional, to support the new policy... and to confound and discredit, intellectually and politically, any opposition.
" - Admiral Chester Ward, former CFR member and Judge Advocate general of the US Navy
The List is long but important. So do yourself a favor and scan over the names and titles held. Educate yourself.
Presidents who have been CFR members:
George W.
Bill Clinton
George H.W.
Jimmy Carter
Gerald Ford
Richard Nixon
Dwight Eisenhower
Herbert Hoover
Dick Cheney (Vice-President)
Al Gore (Vice-President)
Members of the CFR who are running for President 2008:
Hillary Clinton - Senator NY
Barack Obama - Senator IL
John Edwards - Senator NC
Joseph Biden - Senator DE
Chris Dodd - Senator CT
Bill Richardson - Governor NM
Rudy Giuliani - Mayor NYC
Fred Thompson - Senator TN
John McCain - Senator AZ
Mitt Romney - Governor MA
Although Mike Huckabee is not a member, he did have meetings with the CFR, around the time his poll numbers made a dramatic jump from third tier candidate to a "top tier" candidate.
Other members of the CFR during the Clinton Adminstration:
CFR = Member of the Council on Foreign Relations
TC = Member of the Trilateral Commission
BB = Member of the Elite Bilderbergs
David Rockefeller, Chairman Emeritus
Peter G.
Peterson, Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations
Paul Volker, North American Chairman of the Trilateral Commission
President of the United States of America
William Clinton -- CFR, TC, BB
Asst. Sec.
for Administration, United Nations
Dick Thornburgh -- CFR
National Security Advisor
Anthony Lake -- CFR
Vice President of the United States of America
Albert Gore, Jr.
-- CFR
Secretary Of State
Warren Christopher -- CFR
Secretary Of Defense
Lee Aspin (Deceased)-- CFR
Chairman Joint Chiefs Of Staff
Colin L.
Powell -- CFR
Director Central Intelligence Agency
James Woolsey -- CFR
Chairman, Council of Economics Advisors
Laura Tyson -- CFR
Treasury Secretary
Lloyd Bentsen -- Former CFR, BB
Secretary of Interior
Bruce Babbitt -- CFR
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Henry Cisneros -- CFR
Secretary of Health & Human Services
Donna Shalala -- CFR, TC
Sandra Day O'Connor, Assoc. Justice, U.S.
Supreme Court -- CFR
Steve G. Breyer, Chief Judge, U.S.
Court of Appeals, First Circuit, Boston -- CFR
Ruth B. Ginsburg, U.S. Court Of Appeals, Wash.
, DC Circuit -- CFR
Laurence H. Silberman, U.S. Court of Appeals, Wash.
, DC Circuit -- CFR
John Norton Moore, Chairman -- CFR
Elspeth Davies Rostow, Vice Chairman -- CFR
Samuel W.
Lewis, President -- CFR
John Richardson, Counselor -- CFR
David Little, Senior Scholar -- CFR
William R.
Kintner, Director -- CFR
Scott Thompson, Director -- CFR
Gary R.
Edson, Chief of Staff & Counselor -- CFR
Joshua Bolten, General Counsel -- CFR
Daniel M. Price, Dep.
General Counsel -- CFR
Roger Altman, Deputy Sec.
-- CFR
Robert R. Glauber, Under Sec.
, Finance -- CFR
David C. Mulford, Under Sec.
, Intntl Affairs -- CFR
Robert M. Bestani, Dep Asst Sec., Intntl.
Monetary Affairs -- CFR
J. French Hill, Dep. Asst. Sec.
, Corp Finance -- CFR
John M. Niehuss, Dep. Asst. Sec., Intntl.
Monetary Affairs -- CFR
Joshua Lederberg, V. Chmn Adv. Counc.
-- CFR
John H.
Gibbons, Director -- CFR
Lewis M. Branscomb, Adv.
Council -- CFR
James M. Strock, Asst. Adm.
, Enforcement And Compliance -- CFR
Leonard H. Robinson, Jr.
, President -- CFR
George Stephanopoulos, Director, Communications -- CFR
Willian J. Crowe, Chief Foreign Intelligence Advisory Bd.
-- CFR
Nancy Soderberg, Staff Director, National Secuity Council -- CFR
Samuel R.
Berger, Deputy Advisor, National Security -- CFR
Bowman Cutter, Deputy Assistant, National Economic Council -- CFR
Alice Rivlin, Deputy Director -- CFR
John D.
Macomber, President & Chairman -- CFR
Eugene K.
Lawson, 1st VP & Vice Chairman -- CFR
Rita M.
Rodriguez, Director -- CFR
Hart Fessenden, General Council -- CFR
William R. Graham, Jr.
, Science Advisor to President & Director -- CFR
James H. Billington, Librarian, Chmn.
Trust Fund Board -- CFR
Ruth Ann Stewart, Asst.
Librarian National Programs -- CFR
Frank H. T. Rhodes, Bd.
Of Directors -- CFR
James B. Holderman, Bd.
Of Directors -- CFR
D. Allen Bromley, Bd.
Of Directors -- CFR
Thomas Graham, Jr.
, General Council -- CFR
William Schneier, Chmn.
, General Advisory Council -- CFR
Richard Burt, Negotiator On Strategic Defense Arms -- CFR
David Smith, Negotiator, Defense & Space -- CFR
William W.
Schwarzer, Director -- CFR
Madeleine Albright, UN Amabassador -- CFR
Clifton Wharton, Jr., Deputy Sec.
-- CFR
Lynn Davis, Under Sec.
for International Security Affairs -- CFR, TC
Brandon H. Grove, Dir.
of Foreign Service Institute -- CFR
H. Allen Holms, Asst. Sec.
, Bureau Of Politico-Military Affairs -- CFR
John H. Kelly, Asst. Sec.
, Near East-South Asian Affairs -- CFR
Alexander F. Watson, Deputy Rep.
, United Nations -- CFR
Jonathan Moore, UN Mission -- CFR
Joseph Verner Reed, Chief of Protocol -- CFR
Dennis B.
Ross, Director, Policy Planning Staff -- CFR
Edward Perkins, Dir.
of Personnel -- CFR
Abraham David Sofaer, Legal Advisor -- CFR
Peter Tanoff, Under Sec.
for Political Affairs -- CFR, TC
Brian Atwood, Under Sec.
For Management -- CFR
Joan E. Spero, Under Sec. Eco. & Ag.
Affairs -- CFR
George E. Moose, Asst. Sec.
African Affairs -- CFR
Winston Lord, Asst. Sec.
, East Asian & Pacific Affairs -- CFR, TC
Stephen A. Oxman, Asst. Sec.
, European Affairs -- CFR
Timothy E.
Wirth, Counselor -- CFR
Strobe Talbott (Special Advisor For CIS) -- CFR
Thomas R.
Pickering (Russia) -- CFR
Morton I.
Abramowitz (Turkey) -- CFR
Michael H.
Armacost (Japan) -- CFR
Shirly Temple Black (Czechoslovakia) -- CFR
Julia Chang Bloch (Nepal) -- CFR
Henry E. Catto, Jr.
(Great Britain) -- CFR
Frances Cook (Camaroon) -- CFR
Edward P.
Djerejian (Syria) -- CFR
Geoge E.
Moose (Senegal) -- CFR
John D.
Negroponte (Mexico) -- CFR
Edward N.
Ney (Canada) -- CFR
Robert B.
Oakley (Pakistan) -- CFR
Robert H. Pelletreau, Jr.
(Tunisia) -- CFR
Christopher H.
Phillips (Brunei) -- CFR
Nicholas Platt (Phillipines) -- CFR
James W.
Spain (Maldives & Sri Lanka) -- CFR
Terence A.
Todman (Argentina) -- CFR
Frank G.
Wisner II (Egypt) -- CFR
Warren Zimmerman (Yugoslavia) -- CFR
David L.
Boren (D-OK) -- CFR
William Bradley (D-NJ) -- CFR
John H.
Chafee (R-RI) -- CFR, TC
William S.
Cohen (R-ME) -- CFR, TC
Christopher J.
Dodd (D-CT) -- CFR
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) -- TC
Bob Graham (D-FL) -- CFR
Joseph I.
Lieberman (D-CT) -- CFR
George J.
MiTChell (D-ME) -- CFR
Claiborne Pell (D-RI) -- CFR
Larry Pressler (R-SD) -- CFR
Charles S.
Robb (D-VA) -- CFR, TC
John D.
Rockefeller, IV (D-WV) -- CFR, TC
William Roth, Jr.
(R-DE) -- CFR, TC
Howard L.
Berman (D-CA) -- CFR
Thomas S.
Foley (D-WA) -- CFR
Sam Gejdenson (D-CT) -- CFR
Richard A.
Gephardt (D-MO) -- CFR
Newton L.
Gingrich (R-GA) -- CFR
Lee H.
Hamilton (D-IN) -- TC
Amory Houghton, Jr.
(R-NY) -- CFR
Nancy Lee Johnson (R-CT) -- CFR
Jim Leach (R-IA) -- TC
John Lewis (D-GA) -- CFR
Robert T.
Matsui (D-CA) -- CFR
Dave K.
Mccurdy (D-OK) -- CFR
Eleanor Homes Norton (D-DC) -- CFR
Thomas El Petri (R-WI) -- CFR
Charles B.
Rangel (D-NY) -- TC
Carlos A.
Romero-Barcelo (D-PR) -- CFR
Patricia Schroeder (D-CO) -- CFR
Peter Smith (R-VT) -- CFR
Olympia J.
Snow (R-ME) -- CFR
John M.
Spratt (D-SC) -- CFR
Louis Stokes (D-OH) -- CFR
Alan Greenspan, Chairman -- CFR, TC
E. Gerald Corrigan, V. Chmn./Pres. NY Fed. Res.
Bank -- CFR
Richard N. Cooper, Chmn. Boston Fed. Res.
Bank -- CFR
Sam Y. Cross, Manager, Foreign Open Market Acct.
-- CFR
Robert F. Erburu, Chmn. San Francisco Fed. Res.
Bank -- CFR
Robert P. Forrestal, Pres. Atlanta Fed. Res.
Bank -- CFR
Bobby R. Inman, Chmn., Dallas Fed. Res.
Bank -- CFR, TC
Robert H. Knight, Esq.
-- CFR
Steven Muller -- CFR
John R.
Opel -- CFR
Anthony M.
Solomon -- CFR, TC
Edwin M. Truman, Staff Dir.
International Finance -- CFR
Cyrus R.
Vance -- CFR
Paul Volcker -- CFR, TC
Chase Manhattan Corp.
Thomas G.
Labrecque, Chairman & CEO -- CFR, TC
Robert R.
Douglass, Vice Chairman -- CFR
Willard C. BuTCher, Dir.
-- CFR
Richard W. Lyman, Dir.
-- CFR
Joan Ganz Cooney, Dir.
-- CFR
David T. Mclaughlin, Dir.
-- CFR
Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., Dir.
-- CFR
Henry B. Schacht, Dir.
-- CFR
Chemical Bank:
Walter V.
Shipley, Chairman -- CFR
Robert J.
Callander, President -- CFR
William C.
Pierce, Executive Officer -- CFR
Randolph W. Bromery, Dir.
-- CFR
Charles W. Duncan, Jr., Dir.
-- CFR
George V. Grune, Dir.
-- CFR
Helen L. Kaplan, Dir.
-- CFR
Lawrence G. Rawl, Dir.
-- CFR
Michael I. Sovern, Dir.
-- CFR
Richard D. Wood, Dir.
-- CFR
John S. Reed.
Chairman -- CFR
William R.
Rhodes, Vice Chairman -- CFR
Richard S.
Braddock, President -- CFR
John M. DeuTCh, Dir.
-- CFR
Clifton C. Garvin, Jr.
, Dir -- CFR
C. Peter Mccolough, Dir.
-- CFR
Rozanne L. Ridgeway, Dir.
-- CFR
Franklin A. Thomas, Dir.
-- CFR
First City Bancorp, Texas:
Robert Abboud, CEO -- CFR
Morgan Guaranty:
Lewis T.
Preston, Chairman -- CFR
Bankers Trust New York Corporation:
Charles S. Stanford, Jr.
, Chairman -- CFR
Alfred Brittain III, Dir.
-- CFR
Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.
, Dir -- CFR
Richard L. Gelb, Dir.
-- CFR
Patricia Carry Stewart, Dir.
-- CFR
First National Bank of Chicago:
Barry F.
Sullivan -- TC
Manufacturers Hanover Directors:
Cyrus Vance -- CFR
Robert Durham -- CFR
George B.
Munroe -- CFR
Marina V. N.
Whitman -- CFR, TC
Charles J. Pilliod, Jr.
-- CFR
Bank America:
Andrew F. Brimmer, Dir.
-- CFR
Ignazio E. Lozano, Jr., Dir.
-- CFR
Ruben F. Mettler, Dir.
-- CFR
Securities & Exchange Commission:
Michael D. Mann, Dir.
International Affairs -- CFR
Jay Mazur, International Ladies' Garment Workers Union -- CFR, TC
Jack Sheinkman, Amalgamated Clothing & Textile Workers Union -- CFR
Albert Shanker, Pres.
, American Federation Of Teachers -- CFR, TC
Glen E.
Watts, Communication Of Workers Of America -- CFR, TC
Department Of Defense:
Les Aspin, Secretary of Defense -- CFR
Frank G.
Wisnerll, Under Secretary for Policy -- CFR
Henry S. Rowen, Asst. Sec.
, International Security Affairs -- CFR
Judy Ann Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec.
Nuclear Forces & Arms Control -- CFR
W. Bruce Weinrod, Dep. Asst. Sec.
, Europe & NATO -- CFR
Seymour Weiss, Chairman, Defense Policy Board -- CFR
Charles M. Herzfeld, Dir.
Defense Research & Engineering -- CFR
Andrew W. Marshall, Dir.
, Net Assessment -- CFR
Michael P. W.
Stone, Secretary of the Army -- CFR
Donald B.
Rice, Secretary of the Air Force -- CFR
Franklin C. Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec.
Nuclear Forces & Arms Control -- CFR
Allied Supreme Commanders:
1949-52 Eisenhower -- CFR
1952-53 Ridgeway -- CFR
1953-56 Gruenther -- CFR
1956-63 Norstad -- CFR
1963-69 Lemnitzer -- CFR
1969-74 Goodpaster -- CFR
1974-79 Haig -- CFR
1979-87 Rogers -- CFR, TC
Superintendents of the U.S.
Military Academy at West Point:
1960-63 Westmoreland -- CFR
1963-66 Lampert -- CFR
1966-68 Bennett -- CFR
1970-74 Knowlton -- CFR
1974-77 Berry -- CFR
1977-81 Goodpaster -- CFR
CFR Military Fellows, 1991:
Col. William M. Drennan, Jr.
Col. Wallace C.
Gregson, USMC -- CFR
Col. Jack B.
Wood, USA -- CFR
CFR Military Fellows, 1992:
Col. David M.
Mize, USMC -- CFR
Col. John P.
Rose, USA -- CFR
Joint Chiefs of Staff:
Gen. Colin L.
Powell, Chairman -- CFR
Gen. Carl E.
Vuono, Army -- CFR
Gen. John T.
Chain, Co Sac -- CFR
Gen. Merril A.
Mcpeak, Co Pac AF -- CFR
Lt. Gen. George L. Butler, Dir.
Strategic Plans & Policy -- CFR
Lt. Gen. Charles T. Boyd, Com. Air Univ.
-- CFR
Lt. Gen. Bradley C.
Hosmer, AF Inspector General -- CFR
Secretaries of Defense:
1957-59 Mcelroy -- CFR
1959-61 Gates -- CFR
1961-68 McNamara -- CFR, TC
1969-73 Laird -- CFR
1973-75 Richardson -- CFR, TC
1975-77 Rumsfeld -- CFR
1977-80 Brown -- CFR, TC
1980-88 Weinberger -- CFR, TC
1988- Carlucci -- CFR
1988- Cheney -- CFR
Additional Military:
Mg R.C.
Bowman -- CFR
Bg F.
Brown -- CFR
Lt Col W.
Clark -- CFR
Adm Wm.
Crowe -- CFR
Col P. M.
Dawkins -- CFR
V. Adm.
Thor Hanson -- CFR
Col W.
Hauser -- CFR
Maj R.
Kimmitt -- CFR
Gen W.
Knowlton -- CFR
V. Adm J.
Lee -- CFR
Col D.
Mead -- CFR
Mg Jack Merritt -- CFR
Gen E.
Meyer -- CFR
Col Wm. E.
Odom -- CFR
Col L.
Olvey -- CFR
Col Geo. K.
Osborn -- CFR
Mg J.
Pustay -- CFR
Lg E.L.
Rowny -- CFR
Capt Gary Sick -- CFR
Mg De Witt Smith -- CFR
Bg Perry Smith -- CFR
Ltg Wm. Y.
Smith -- CFR
Col W.
Taylor -- CFR
Adm S.
Turner -- CFR
Mg J.
Welch -- CFR
Gen J.
Wickham -- CFR
Laurence A.
Tisch, CEO -- CFR
Roswell Gilpatric -- CFR
James Houghton -- CFR, TC
Henry Schacht -- CFR, TC
Dan Rather -- CFR
Richard Hottelet -- CFR
Frank Stanton -- CFR
John F.
Welch, CEO -- CFR
Jane Pfeiffer -- CFR
Lester Crystal -- CFR, TC
Sonnenfeidt -- CFR, TC
John Petty -- CFR
Tom Brokaw -- CFR
David Brinkley -- CFR
John Chancellor -- CFR
Marvin Kalb -- CFR
Irving R.
Levine -- CFR
Herbert Schlosser -- CFR
Peter G.
Peterson -- CFR
John Sawhill -- CFR
Thomas S.
Murphy, CEO -- CFR
Barbara Walters -- CFR
John Connor -- CFR
Diane Sawyer -- CFR
John Scall -- CFR
Public Broadcast Service:
Robert Mcneil -- CFR
Jim Lehrer -- CFR
Hunter-Gault -- CFR
Hodding Carter III -- CFR
Daniel Schorr -- CFR
Associated Press:
Stanley Swinton -- CFR
Harold Anderson -- CFR
Katharine Graham -- CFR, TC
Michael Posner -- CFR
Baltimore Sun:
Henry Trewhitt -- CFR
Washington Times:
Arnaud De Borchgrave -- CFR
Children's TV Workshop (Sesame Street):
Joan Ganz Cooney, Pres.
-- CFR
Cable News Network:
W. Thomas Johnson, Pres.
-- TC
Daniel Schorr -- CFR
News & World Report:
David Gergen -- TC
New York Times Co.
Richard Gelb -- CFR
William Scranton -- CFR, TC
John F. Akers, Dir.
-- CFR
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Dir.
-- CFR
George B. Munroe, Dir.
-- CFR
Donald M. Stewart, Dir.
-- CFR
Cyrus R. Vance, Dir.
-- CFR
Rosenthal -- CFR
Seymour Topping -- CFR
James Greenfield -- CFR
Max Frankel -- CFR
Jack Rosenthal -- CFR
John Oakes -- CFR
Harrison Salisbury -- CFR
Smith -- CFR
Steven Rattner -- CFR
Richard Burt -- CFR
Flora Lewis -- CFR
Time, Inc.
Ralph Davidson -- CFR
Donal M.
Wilson -- CFR
Henry Grunwald -- CFR
Alexander Heard -- CFR
Sol Linowitz -- CFR
Thomas Watson, Jr.
-- CFR
Strobe Talbott -- CFR
Newsweek/Washington Post:
Katharine Graham -- CFR
N. Deb.
Katzenbach -- CFR
Robert Christopher -- CFR
Osborne Elliot -- CFR
Phillip Geyelin -- CFR
Murry Marder -- CFR
Maynard Parker -- CFR
George Will -- CFR, TC
Robert Kaiser -- CFR
Meg Greenfield -- CFR
Walter Pincus -- CFR
Murray Gart -- CFR
Peter Osnos -- CFR
Don Oberdorfer -- CFR
Dow Jones & Co (Wall Street Journal):
Richard Wood -- CFR
Robert Bartley -- CFR, TC
Karen House -- CFR
National Review:
Wm. F. Buckley, Jr.
-- CFR
Readers Digest:
George V.
Grune, CEO -- CFR
William G. Bowen, Dir.
-- CFR
Syndicated Columnists:
Geogia Anne Geyer -- CFR
Ben J.
Wattenberg -- CFR
Exxon Corporation
Lawrence G.
Rawl, Chairman -- CFR
Lee R.
Raymond, President -- CFR, TC
Jack G. Clarke, Sr.
, Vice President -- CFR
Randolph W. Bromery, Dir.
-- CFR
D. Wayne Calloway, Dir.
-- CFR
Alfred C. Decrane,Jr.
, Chairman -- CFR
John Brademas, Dir.
-- CFR, TC
Willard C. BuTCher, Dir.
-- CFR
William J. Crowe, Jr., Dir.
-- CFR, TC
John K. Mckinley, Dir.
-- CFR
Thomas S. Murphy, Dir.
-- CFR
Atlantic Richfield-Arco:
Hannah H. Gray, Dir.
-- CFR
Donal M. Kendall,Dir.
-- CFR, TC
Henry Wendt, Dir.
-- TC
Shell Oil Co.
Frank H.
Richardson, CEO -- CFR
Rand V. Araskog, Dir.
-- CFR, TC
Mobil Corp.
Allan E.
Murray, Chairman & President -- CFR, TC
Lewis M. Branscomb, Dir.
-- CFR
Samuel C. Johnson, Dir.
-- TC
Helene L. Kaplan, Dir.
-- CFR
Charles S. Sanford, Jr., Dir.
-- CFR
Tenneco, Inc.
James L.
Ketelsen, Chairman -- CFR
W. Michael Blumenthal, Dir.
-- CFR
Joseph J. Sisco, Dir.
-- CFR
General Motors Corp.
Marina V.N.
Whitman, VP -- CFR, TC
Anne L. Armstrong, Dir.
-- CFR
Marvin L. Goldberger, Dir.
-- CFR
Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., Dir.
-- CFR
Dennis Weatherstone, Dir.
-- CFR
Leon H. Sullivan, Dir.
-- CFR
Thomas H. Wyman, Dir.
-- CFR
Ford Motor Company:
Clifton R. Wharton, Dir.
-- CFR
Roberto C. Goizueta, Dir.
-- CFR
GE/NBC Corp.
John F. Welch, Jr.
Chairman -- CFR
David C.
Jones -- CFR
Lewis T.
Preston -- CFR
Frank H.T.
Rhodes -- CFR
Walter B.
Wriston -- CFR
Deere & Co:
Hans W.
Becherer, Chairman/CEO -- CFR
John F.
Akers, Chairman -- CFR
C. Michael Armstrong, Sr.
William S.
Norman, Executive VP -- CFR
Robert E.
Allen, Chairman & CEO -- CFR
Randall L.
Tobias, Vice Chairman -- CFR
Louis V. Gerstner, Dir.
-- CFR
Juanita M. Kreps, Dir.
-- CFR
Donald F. Mchenry, Dir.
-- CFR
Henry B. Schacht, Dir.
-- CFR
Michael I. Sovern, Dir.
-- CFR
Franklin A. Thamas, Dir.
-- CFR
Rawleigh Warner, Jr., Dir.
-- CFR
Thomas H. Wyman, Dir.
-- CFR
Chrysler Corp.
Joseph A. Califano, Jr., Dir.
-- CFR
Peter A. Magowan, Dir.
-- CFR
American Express Co.
James D.
Robinson,Ceo -- CFR
Joan Edelman Spero -- TC
Anne L.
Armstrong -- CFR
William G.
Bowen -- CFR
Charles W. Duncan, Jr.
-- CFR
Richard M.
Furlaud -- CFR
Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.
-- CFR, TC
Henry A.
Kissinger -- CFR, TC
Frank P.
Popoff -- CFR
Robert V.
Roosa -- CFR
Joseph H.
Williams -- CFR
Richard D.
Wood, CEO, Eli Lily & Co -- CFR
Richard M.
Furlaud, CEO, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co -- CFR
Frank Peter Popoff, CEO, Dow Chemical Co.
-- CFR
Charles Peter McColough, Chmn Ex.
Comm, Xerox -- CFR
Rozanne L. Ridgewar, Dir.
, 3M, RJR Nabisco, Union Carbide -- CFR
Ruben F. Mettler, Former CEO, TRW, Inc.
-- CFR
Henry B.
Schacht, CEO, Cummins Engines -- CFR
Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., CEO, Pfizer, Inc.
-- CFR
Rand V. Araskog, CEO, ITT Corp.
-- CFR, TC
W. Michael Blumenthal, Chairman, Unisys Corp.
-- CFR
Joseph John Sisco, Dir.
, Geico, Raytheon, Gillette -- CFR
Fred Bucy, Former Pres, CEO, Texas Instruments -- CFR
Paul A. Allaire, Chairman, CEO, Xerox Corp.
-- TC
Dwayne O.
Andreas, Chairman, CEO, Archer Midland Daniels -- TC
James E. Burke, Chairman, CEO Em.
, Johnson & Johnson -- TC
Wayne Calloway, Chairman, CEO, Pepsico -- TC
Frank C. Carlucci, Vice Chmn.
, The Carlyle Group -- TC
Lynn E. Davis, VP, Dir.
, Rand Corp -- TC
Stephen Friedman, Sr.
, VP, Co-Chairman, Goldman, Sachs -- TC
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
, Chairman, CEO, RJR Nabisco -- TC
Joseph T. Gorman, Chairman, Pres, CEO, TRW Inc.
-- TC
Maurice R.
Greenberg, Chairman, CEO, American International Group -- TC
Robert D.
Hass, Chairman, CEO, Levi Strauss -- TC
David J.
"And he (the second beast) exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
? (Rev 13:12)
"For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
" (Rev 16:14)
"And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
" (Rev 13:8)
"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
" (Rev 12:9)
"And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do.." (Rev 13:14)
Do you see that Satan will use the powers of the world to "causeth the earth and them which dwell therein" to be deceived into false worship? This includes "all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond.
" (Rev 13:16)
The devil uses the kings of the earth to persecute God's people. This is what happened when Nebuchadnezzar persecuted Daniel and his friends. This is what happened when Pharoah persecuted the Hebrews. This is what happened when the Rabbi's went to Pilate to get the authority to crucify the Messiah. This is what happened when Rome fell and its authority was given to the Church of Rome which killed and tortured between 50 and 150 million souls! This is what happened in Russia, Goa, Spain, and even colonial America! In the 17th & 18th centuries not attending church on Sunday was a crime punishable by fines, imprisonment and in some cases death. History will repeat itself, but this time on a GLOBAL SCALE. Globalization means sovereignty of nations must be reduced and even eliminated. The best way to accomplish this in America is obviously to destroy its prosperity and economic power. Is this happening today? In order to deceive nations and people into thinking globalization is a good thing there must be a global threat. Ever heard of global warming? A unification of nations and people cannot occur without a common cause.
Take the information below seriously and see how America is being systematically destroyed, the people of the earth brainwashed and deceived, and learn how the Council on Foreign relations is leading the world to embrace globalization which will lead to the final fulfillment of the war between God and Satan. It began in Heaven but will end on earth. The battle lines are being deceptively drawn, and if your not paying attention you've already been deceived. I can almost guarantee it.
"But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.
" (1Pe 4:7)
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: William - In Christ alone USMC
Date: Mar 25, 2008 10:02 PM
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Irish American Patriot
Date: Mar 25, 2008 11:30 PM
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Zag
Date: Mar 25, 2008 8:14 PM
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: ▲ Georgilla Knows J911OB Gorilla ▼
Date: Mar 23, 2008 7:41 PM
"The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the American Branch of a society which originated in England...(and) ...believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established.
" -Carrol Quigley, member of CFR and mentor to Bill Clinton
"The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is promoting the disarmament of U.S.
Sovereignty and national independence and submergence into an all powerful, one world government" - Admiral Chester Ward, former CFR member and Judge Advocate general of the US Navy
"Once the ruling members of the CFR shadow government have decided that the US Government should adopt a particular policy... the very substantial research facilities of (the) CFR are put to work to develop arguments, intellectual and emotional, to support the new policy... and to confound and discredit, intellectually and politically, any opposition.
" - Admiral Chester Ward, former CFR member and Judge Advocate general of the US Navy
Ron Paul Explains the CFR and Exposes and their Agenda
Add to My Profile
The Onion Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 08 Sham Election
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The CFR Controls the Media Almost Completely
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CFR NAU 2008 Candidates
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North American Union and VeriChip Truth
Lou Dobbs Tonight NAU Super Highway Part 2 Feb. 20. 2008
http://www. apfn. org/apfn/cfr-members. htm
Members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission dominate key positions in America's government, military, industries, media outlets and educational foundations and institutions. The following is a partial list of current CFR members and the positions of influence they hold in society. The CFR's membership is limited to 3,000, and there are only 325 Trilateral Commission members.
"The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the American Branch of a society which originated in England...(and) ...believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established.
" -Carrol Quigley, member of CFR and mentor to Bill Clinton
"The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is promoting the disarmament of U.S.
Sovereignty and national independence and submergence into an all powerful, one world government" - Admiral Chester Ward, former CFR member and Judge Advocate general of the US Navy
"Once the ruling members of the CFR shadow government have decided that the US Government should adopt a particular policy... the very substantial research facilities of (the) CFR are put to work to develop arguments, intellectual and emotional, to support the new policy... and to confound and discredit, intellectually and politically, any opposition.
" - Admiral Chester Ward, former CFR member and Judge Advocate general of the US Navy
The List is long but important. So do yourself a favor and scan over the names and titles held. Educate yourself.
Presidents who have been CFR members:
George W.
Bill Clinton
George H.W.
Jimmy Carter
Gerald Ford
Richard Nixon
Dwight Eisenhower
Herbert Hoover
Dick Cheney (Vice-President)
Al Gore (Vice-President)
Members of the CFR who are running for President 2008:
Hillary Clinton - Senator NY
Barack Obama - Senator IL
John Edwards - Senator NC
Joseph Biden - Senator DE
Chris Dodd - Senator CT
Bill Richardson - Governor NM
Rudy Giuliani - Mayor NYC
Fred Thompson - Senator TN
John McCain - Senator AZ
Mitt Romney - Governor MA
Although Mike Huckabee is not a member, he did have meetings with the CFR, around the time his poll numbers made a dramatic jump from third tier candidate to a "top tier" candidate.
Other members of the CFR during the Clinton Adminstration:
CFR = Member of the Council on Foreign Relations
TC = Member of the Trilateral Commission
BB = Member of the Elite Bilderbergs
David Rockefeller, Chairman Emeritus
Peter G.
Peterson, Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations
Paul Volker, North American Chairman of the Trilateral Commission
President of the United States of America
William Clinton -- CFR, TC, BB
Asst. Sec.
for Administration, United Nations
Dick Thornburgh -- CFR
National Security Advisor
Anthony Lake -- CFR
Vice President of the United States of America
Albert Gore, Jr.
-- CFR
Secretary Of State
Warren Christopher -- CFR
Secretary Of Defense
Lee Aspin (Deceased)-- CFR
Chairman Joint Chiefs Of Staff
Colin L.
Powell -- CFR
Director Central Intelligence Agency
James Woolsey -- CFR
Chairman, Council of Economics Advisors
Laura Tyson -- CFR
Treasury Secretary
Lloyd Bentsen -- Former CFR, BB
Secretary of Interior
Bruce Babbitt -- CFR
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Henry Cisneros -- CFR
Secretary of Health & Human Services
Donna Shalala -- CFR, TC
Sandra Day O'Connor, Assoc. Justice, U.S.
Supreme Court -- CFR
Steve G. Breyer, Chief Judge, U.S.
Court of Appeals, First Circuit, Boston -- CFR
Ruth B. Ginsburg, U.S. Court Of Appeals, Wash.
, DC Circuit -- CFR
Laurence H. Silberman, U.S. Court of Appeals, Wash.
, DC Circuit -- CFR
John Norton Moore, Chairman -- CFR
Elspeth Davies Rostow, Vice Chairman -- CFR
Samuel W.
Lewis, President -- CFR
John Richardson, Counselor -- CFR
David Little, Senior Scholar -- CFR
William R.
Kintner, Director -- CFR
Scott Thompson, Director -- CFR
Gary R.
Edson, Chief of Staff & Counselor -- CFR
Joshua Bolten, General Counsel -- CFR
Daniel M. Price, Dep.
General Counsel -- CFR
Roger Altman, Deputy Sec.
-- CFR
Robert R. Glauber, Under Sec.
, Finance -- CFR
David C. Mulford, Under Sec.
, Intntl Affairs -- CFR
Robert M. Bestani, Dep Asst Sec., Intntl.
Monetary Affairs -- CFR
J. French Hill, Dep. Asst. Sec.
, Corp Finance -- CFR
John M. Niehuss, Dep. Asst. Sec., Intntl.
Monetary Affairs -- CFR
Joshua Lederberg, V. Chmn Adv. Counc.
-- CFR
John H.
Gibbons, Director -- CFR
Lewis M. Branscomb, Adv.
Council -- CFR
James M. Strock, Asst. Adm.
, Enforcement And Compliance -- CFR
Leonard H. Robinson, Jr.
, President -- CFR
George Stephanopoulos, Director, Communications -- CFR
Willian J. Crowe, Chief Foreign Intelligence Advisory Bd.
-- CFR
Nancy Soderberg, Staff Director, National Secuity Council -- CFR
Samuel R.
Berger, Deputy Advisor, National Security -- CFR
Bowman Cutter, Deputy Assistant, National Economic Council -- CFR
Alice Rivlin, Deputy Director -- CFR
John D.
Macomber, President & Chairman -- CFR
Eugene K.
Lawson, 1st VP & Vice Chairman -- CFR
Rita M.
Rodriguez, Director -- CFR
Hart Fessenden, General Council -- CFR
William R. Graham, Jr.
, Science Advisor to President & Director -- CFR
James H. Billington, Librarian, Chmn.
Trust Fund Board -- CFR
Ruth Ann Stewart, Asst.
Librarian National Programs -- CFR
Frank H. T. Rhodes, Bd.
Of Directors -- CFR
James B. Holderman, Bd.
Of Directors -- CFR
D. Allen Bromley, Bd.
Of Directors -- CFR
Thomas Graham, Jr.
, General Council -- CFR
William Schneier, Chmn.
, General Advisory Council -- CFR
Richard Burt, Negotiator On Strategic Defense Arms -- CFR
David Smith, Negotiator, Defense & Space -- CFR
William W.
Schwarzer, Director -- CFR
Madeleine Albright, UN Amabassador -- CFR
Clifton Wharton, Jr., Deputy Sec.
-- CFR
Lynn Davis, Under Sec.
for International Security Affairs -- CFR, TC
Brandon H. Grove, Dir.
of Foreign Service Institute -- CFR
H. Allen Holms, Asst. Sec.
, Bureau Of Politico-Military Affairs -- CFR
John H. Kelly, Asst. Sec.
, Near East-South Asian Affairs -- CFR
Alexander F. Watson, Deputy Rep.
, United Nations -- CFR
Jonathan Moore, UN Mission -- CFR
Joseph Verner Reed, Chief of Protocol -- CFR
Dennis B.
Ross, Director, Policy Planning Staff -- CFR
Edward Perkins, Dir.
of Personnel -- CFR
Abraham David Sofaer, Legal Advisor -- CFR
Peter Tanoff, Under Sec.
for Political Affairs -- CFR, TC
Brian Atwood, Under Sec.
For Management -- CFR
Joan E. Spero, Under Sec. Eco. & Ag.
Affairs -- CFR
George E. Moose, Asst. Sec.
African Affairs -- CFR
Winston Lord, Asst. Sec.
, East Asian & Pacific Affairs -- CFR, TC
Stephen A. Oxman, Asst. Sec.
, European Affairs -- CFR
Timothy E.
Wirth, Counselor -- CFR
Strobe Talbott (Special Advisor For CIS) -- CFR
Thomas R.
Pickering (Russia) -- CFR
Morton I.
Abramowitz (Turkey) -- CFR
Michael H.
Armacost (Japan) -- CFR
Shirly Temple Black (Czechoslovakia) -- CFR
Julia Chang Bloch (Nepal) -- CFR
Henry E. Catto, Jr.
(Great Britain) -- CFR
Frances Cook (Camaroon) -- CFR
Edward P.
Djerejian (Syria) -- CFR
Geoge E.
Moose (Senegal) -- CFR
John D.
Negroponte (Mexico) -- CFR
Edward N.
Ney (Canada) -- CFR
Robert B.
Oakley (Pakistan) -- CFR
Robert H. Pelletreau, Jr.
(Tunisia) -- CFR
Christopher H.
Phillips (Brunei) -- CFR
Nicholas Platt (Phillipines) -- CFR
James W.
Spain (Maldives & Sri Lanka) -- CFR
Terence A.
Todman (Argentina) -- CFR
Frank G.
Wisner II (Egypt) -- CFR
Warren Zimmerman (Yugoslavia) -- CFR
David L.
Boren (D-OK) -- CFR
William Bradley (D-NJ) -- CFR
John H.
Chafee (R-RI) -- CFR, TC
William S.
Cohen (R-ME) -- CFR, TC
Christopher J.
Dodd (D-CT) -- CFR
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) -- TC
Bob Graham (D-FL) -- CFR
Joseph I.
Lieberman (D-CT) -- CFR
George J.
MiTChell (D-ME) -- CFR
Claiborne Pell (D-RI) -- CFR
Larry Pressler (R-SD) -- CFR
Charles S.
Robb (D-VA) -- CFR, TC
John D.
Rockefeller, IV (D-WV) -- CFR, TC
William Roth, Jr.
(R-DE) -- CFR, TC
Howard L.
Berman (D-CA) -- CFR
Thomas S.
Foley (D-WA) -- CFR
Sam Gejdenson (D-CT) -- CFR
Richard A.
Gephardt (D-MO) -- CFR
Newton L.
Gingrich (R-GA) -- CFR
Lee H.
Hamilton (D-IN) -- TC
Amory Houghton, Jr.
(R-NY) -- CFR
Nancy Lee Johnson (R-CT) -- CFR
Jim Leach (R-IA) -- TC
John Lewis (D-GA) -- CFR
Robert T.
Matsui (D-CA) -- CFR
Dave K.
Mccurdy (D-OK) -- CFR
Eleanor Homes Norton (D-DC) -- CFR
Thomas El Petri (R-WI) -- CFR
Charles B.
Rangel (D-NY) -- TC
Carlos A.
Romero-Barcelo (D-PR) -- CFR
Patricia Schroeder (D-CO) -- CFR
Peter Smith (R-VT) -- CFR
Olympia J.
Snow (R-ME) -- CFR
John M.
Spratt (D-SC) -- CFR
Louis Stokes (D-OH) -- CFR
Alan Greenspan, Chairman -- CFR, TC
E. Gerald Corrigan, V. Chmn./Pres. NY Fed. Res.
Bank -- CFR
Richard N. Cooper, Chmn. Boston Fed. Res.
Bank -- CFR
Sam Y. Cross, Manager, Foreign Open Market Acct.
-- CFR
Robert F. Erburu, Chmn. San Francisco Fed. Res.
Bank -- CFR
Robert P. Forrestal, Pres. Atlanta Fed. Res.
Bank -- CFR
Bobby R. Inman, Chmn., Dallas Fed. Res.
Bank -- CFR, TC
Robert H. Knight, Esq.
-- CFR
Steven Muller -- CFR
John R.
Opel -- CFR
Anthony M.
Solomon -- CFR, TC
Edwin M. Truman, Staff Dir.
International Finance -- CFR
Cyrus R.
Vance -- CFR
Paul Volcker -- CFR, TC
Chase Manhattan Corp.
Thomas G.
Labrecque, Chairman & CEO -- CFR, TC
Robert R.
Douglass, Vice Chairman -- CFR
Willard C. BuTCher, Dir.
-- CFR
Richard W. Lyman, Dir.
-- CFR
Joan Ganz Cooney, Dir.
-- CFR
David T. Mclaughlin, Dir.
-- CFR
Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., Dir.
-- CFR
Henry B. Schacht, Dir.
-- CFR
Chemical Bank:
Walter V.
Shipley, Chairman -- CFR
Robert J.
Callander, President -- CFR
William C.
Pierce, Executive Officer -- CFR
Randolph W. Bromery, Dir.
-- CFR
Charles W. Duncan, Jr., Dir.
-- CFR
George V. Grune, Dir.
-- CFR
Helen L. Kaplan, Dir.
-- CFR
Lawrence G. Rawl, Dir.
-- CFR
Michael I. Sovern, Dir.
-- CFR
Richard D. Wood, Dir.
-- CFR
John S. Reed.
Chairman -- CFR
William R.
Rhodes, Vice Chairman -- CFR
Richard S.
Braddock, President -- CFR
John M. DeuTCh, Dir.
-- CFR
Clifton C. Garvin, Jr.
, Dir -- CFR
C. Peter Mccolough, Dir.
-- CFR
Rozanne L. Ridgeway, Dir.
-- CFR
Franklin A. Thomas, Dir.
-- CFR
First City Bancorp, Texas:
Robert Abboud, CEO -- CFR
Morgan Guaranty:
Lewis T.
Preston, Chairman -- CFR
Bankers Trust New York Corporation:
Charles S. Stanford, Jr.
, Chairman -- CFR
Alfred Brittain III, Dir.
-- CFR
Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.
, Dir -- CFR
Richard L. Gelb, Dir.
-- CFR
Patricia Carry Stewart, Dir.
-- CFR
First National Bank of Chicago:
Barry F.
Sullivan -- TC
Manufacturers Hanover Directors:
Cyrus Vance -- CFR
Robert Durham -- CFR
George B.
Munroe -- CFR
Marina V. N.
Whitman -- CFR, TC
Charles J. Pilliod, Jr.
-- CFR
Bank America:
Andrew F. Brimmer, Dir.
-- CFR
Ignazio E. Lozano, Jr., Dir.
-- CFR
Ruben F. Mettler, Dir.
-- CFR
Securities & Exchange Commission:
Michael D. Mann, Dir.
International Affairs -- CFR
Jay Mazur, International Ladies' Garment Workers Union -- CFR, TC
Jack Sheinkman, Amalgamated Clothing & Textile Workers Union -- CFR
Albert Shanker, Pres.
, American Federation Of Teachers -- CFR, TC
Glen E.
Watts, Communication Of Workers Of America -- CFR, TC
Department Of Defense:
Les Aspin, Secretary of Defense -- CFR
Frank G.
Wisnerll, Under Secretary for Policy -- CFR
Henry S. Rowen, Asst. Sec.
, International Security Affairs -- CFR
Judy Ann Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec.
Nuclear Forces & Arms Control -- CFR
W. Bruce Weinrod, Dep. Asst. Sec.
, Europe & NATO -- CFR
Seymour Weiss, Chairman, Defense Policy Board -- CFR
Charles M. Herzfeld, Dir.
Defense Research & Engineering -- CFR
Andrew W. Marshall, Dir.
, Net Assessment -- CFR
Michael P. W.
Stone, Secretary of the Army -- CFR
Donald B.
Rice, Secretary of the Air Force -- CFR
Franklin C. Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec.
Nuclear Forces & Arms Control -- CFR
Allied Supreme Commanders:
1949-52 Eisenhower -- CFR
1952-53 Ridgeway -- CFR
1953-56 Gruenther -- CFR
1956-63 Norstad -- CFR
1963-69 Lemnitzer -- CFR
1969-74 Goodpaster -- CFR
1974-79 Haig -- CFR
1979-87 Rogers -- CFR, TC
Superintendents of the U.S.
Military Academy at West Point:
1960-63 Westmoreland -- CFR
1963-66 Lampert -- CFR
1966-68 Bennett -- CFR
1970-74 Knowlton -- CFR
1974-77 Berry -- CFR
1977-81 Goodpaster -- CFR
CFR Military Fellows, 1991:
Col. William M. Drennan, Jr.
Col. Wallace C.
Gregson, USMC -- CFR
Col. Jack B.
Wood, USA -- CFR
CFR Military Fellows, 1992:
Col. David M.
Mize, USMC -- CFR
Col. John P.
Rose, USA -- CFR
Joint Chiefs of Staff:
Gen. Colin L.
Powell, Chairman -- CFR
Gen. Carl E.
Vuono, Army -- CFR
Gen. John T.
Chain, Co Sac -- CFR
Gen. Merril A.
Mcpeak, Co Pac AF -- CFR
Lt. Gen. George L. Butler, Dir.
Strategic Plans & Policy -- CFR
Lt. Gen. Charles T. Boyd, Com. Air Univ.
-- CFR
Lt. Gen. Bradley C.
Hosmer, AF Inspector General -- CFR
Secretaries of Defense:
1957-59 Mcelroy -- CFR
1959-61 Gates -- CFR
1961-68 McNamara -- CFR, TC
1969-73 Laird -- CFR
1973-75 Richardson -- CFR, TC
1975-77 Rumsfeld -- CFR
1977-80 Brown -- CFR, TC
1980-88 Weinberger -- CFR, TC
1988- Carlucci -- CFR
1988- Cheney -- CFR
Additional Military:
Mg R.C.
Bowman -- CFR
Bg F.
Brown -- CFR
Lt Col W.
Clark -- CFR
Adm Wm.
Crowe -- CFR
Col P. M.
Dawkins -- CFR
V. Adm.
Thor Hanson -- CFR
Col W.
Hauser -- CFR
Maj R.
Kimmitt -- CFR
Gen W.
Knowlton -- CFR
V. Adm J.
Lee -- CFR
Col D.
Mead -- CFR
Mg Jack Merritt -- CFR
Gen E.
Meyer -- CFR
Col Wm. E.
Odom -- CFR
Col L.
Olvey -- CFR
Col Geo. K.
Osborn -- CFR
Mg J.
Pustay -- CFR
Lg E.L.
Rowny -- CFR
Capt Gary Sick -- CFR
Mg De Witt Smith -- CFR
Bg Perry Smith -- CFR
Ltg Wm. Y.
Smith -- CFR
Col W.
Taylor -- CFR
Adm S.
Turner -- CFR
Mg J.
Welch -- CFR
Gen J.
Wickham -- CFR
Laurence A.
Tisch, CEO -- CFR
Roswell Gilpatric -- CFR
James Houghton -- CFR, TC
Henry Schacht -- CFR, TC
Dan Rather -- CFR
Richard Hottelet -- CFR
Frank Stanton -- CFR
John F.
Welch, CEO -- CFR
Jane Pfeiffer -- CFR
Lester Crystal -- CFR, TC
Sonnenfeidt -- CFR, TC
John Petty -- CFR
Tom Brokaw -- CFR
David Brinkley -- CFR
John Chancellor -- CFR
Marvin Kalb -- CFR
Irving R.
Levine -- CFR
Herbert Schlosser -- CFR
Peter G.
Peterson -- CFR
John Sawhill -- CFR
Thomas S.
Murphy, CEO -- CFR
Barbara Walters -- CFR
John Connor -- CFR
Diane Sawyer -- CFR
John Scall -- CFR
Public Broadcast Service:
Robert Mcneil -- CFR
Jim Lehrer -- CFR
Hunter-Gault -- CFR
Hodding Carter III -- CFR
Daniel Schorr -- CFR
Associated Press:
Stanley Swinton -- CFR
Harold Anderson -- CFR
Katharine Graham -- CFR, TC
Michael Posner -- CFR
Baltimore Sun:
Henry Trewhitt -- CFR
Washington Times:
Arnaud De Borchgrave -- CFR
Children's TV Workshop (Sesame Street):
Joan Ganz Cooney, Pres.
-- CFR
Cable News Network:
W. Thomas Johnson, Pres.
-- TC
Daniel Schorr -- CFR
News & World Report:
David Gergen -- TC
New York Times Co.
Richard Gelb -- CFR
William Scranton -- CFR, TC
John F. Akers, Dir.
-- CFR
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Dir.
-- CFR
George B. Munroe, Dir.
-- CFR
Donald M. Stewart, Dir.
-- CFR
Cyrus R. Vance, Dir.
-- CFR
Rosenthal -- CFR
Seymour Topping -- CFR
James Greenfield -- CFR
Max Frankel -- CFR
Jack Rosenthal -- CFR
John Oakes -- CFR
Harrison Salisbury -- CFR
Smith -- CFR
Steven Rattner -- CFR
Richard Burt -- CFR
Flora Lewis -- CFR
Time, Inc.
Ralph Davidson -- CFR
Donal M.
Wilson -- CFR
Henry Grunwald -- CFR
Alexander Heard -- CFR
Sol Linowitz -- CFR
Thomas Watson, Jr.
-- CFR
Strobe Talbott -- CFR
Newsweek/Washington Post:
Katharine Graham -- CFR
N. Deb.
Katzenbach -- CFR
Robert Christopher -- CFR
Osborne Elliot -- CFR
Phillip Geyelin -- CFR
Murry Marder -- CFR
Maynard Parker -- CFR
George Will -- CFR, TC
Robert Kaiser -- CFR
Meg Greenfield -- CFR
Walter Pincus -- CFR
Murray Gart -- CFR
Peter Osnos -- CFR
Don Oberdorfer -- CFR
Dow Jones & Co (Wall Street Journal):
Richard Wood -- CFR
Robert Bartley -- CFR, TC
Karen House -- CFR
National Review:
Wm. F. Buckley, Jr.
-- CFR
Readers Digest:
George V.
Grune, CEO -- CFR
William G. Bowen, Dir.
-- CFR
Syndicated Columnists:
Geogia Anne Geyer -- CFR
Ben J.
Wattenberg -- CFR
Exxon Corporation
Lawrence G.
Rawl, Chairman -- CFR
Lee R.
Raymond, President -- CFR, TC
Jack G. Clarke, Sr.
, Vice President -- CFR
Randolph W. Bromery, Dir.
-- CFR
D. Wayne Calloway, Dir.
-- CFR
Alfred C. Decrane,Jr.
, Chairman -- CFR
John Brademas, Dir.
-- CFR, TC
Willard C. BuTCher, Dir.
-- CFR
William J. Crowe, Jr., Dir.
-- CFR, TC
John K. Mckinley, Dir.
-- CFR
Thomas S. Murphy, Dir.
-- CFR
Atlantic Richfield-Arco:
Hannah H. Gray, Dir.
-- CFR
Donal M. Kendall,Dir.
-- CFR, TC
Henry Wendt, Dir.
-- TC
Shell Oil Co.
Frank H.
Richardson, CEO -- CFR
Rand V. Araskog, Dir.
-- CFR, TC
Mobil Corp.
Allan E.
Murray, Chairman & President -- CFR, TC
Lewis M. Branscomb, Dir.
-- CFR
Samuel C. Johnson, Dir.
-- TC
Helene L. Kaplan, Dir.
-- CFR
Charles S. Sanford, Jr., Dir.
-- CFR
Tenneco, Inc.
James L.
Ketelsen, Chairman -- CFR
W. Michael Blumenthal, Dir.
-- CFR
Joseph J. Sisco, Dir.
-- CFR
General Motors Corp.
Marina V.N.
Whitman, VP -- CFR, TC
Anne L. Armstrong, Dir.
-- CFR
Marvin L. Goldberger, Dir.
-- CFR
Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., Dir.
-- CFR
Dennis Weatherstone, Dir.
-- CFR
Leon H. Sullivan, Dir.
-- CFR
Thomas H. Wyman, Dir.
-- CFR
Ford Motor Company:
Clifton R. Wharton, Dir.
-- CFR
Roberto C. Goizueta, Dir.
-- CFR
GE/NBC Corp.
John F. Welch, Jr.
Chairman -- CFR
David C.
Jones -- CFR
Lewis T.
Preston -- CFR
Frank H.T.
Rhodes -- CFR
Walter B.
Wriston -- CFR
Deere & Co:
Hans W.
Becherer, Chairman/CEO -- CFR
John F.
Akers, Chairman -- CFR
C. Michael Armstrong, Sr.
William S.
Norman, Executive VP -- CFR
Robert E.
Allen, Chairman & CEO -- CFR
Randall L.
Tobias, Vice Chairman -- CFR
Louis V. Gerstner, Dir.
-- CFR
Juanita M. Kreps, Dir.
-- CFR
Donald F. Mchenry, Dir.
-- CFR
Henry B. Schacht, Dir.
-- CFR
Michael I. Sovern, Dir.
-- CFR
Franklin A. Thamas, Dir.
-- CFR
Rawleigh Warner, Jr., Dir.
-- CFR
Thomas H. Wyman, Dir.
-- CFR
Chrysler Corp.
Joseph A. Califano, Jr., Dir.
-- CFR
Peter A. Magowan, Dir.
-- CFR
American Express Co.
James D.
Robinson,Ceo -- CFR
Joan Edelman Spero -- TC
Anne L.
Armstrong -- CFR
William G.
Bowen -- CFR
Charles W. Duncan, Jr.
-- CFR
Richard M.
Furlaud -- CFR
Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.
-- CFR, TC
Henry A.
Kissinger -- CFR, TC
Frank P.
Popoff -- CFR
Robert V.
Roosa -- CFR
Joseph H.
Williams -- CFR
Richard D.
Wood, CEO, Eli Lily & Co -- CFR
Richard M.
Furlaud, CEO, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co -- CFR
Frank Peter Popoff, CEO, Dow Chemical Co.
-- CFR
Charles Peter McColough, Chmn Ex.
Comm, Xerox -- CFR
Rozanne L. Ridgewar, Dir.
, 3M, RJR Nabisco, Union Carbide -- CFR
Ruben F. Mettler, Former CEO, TRW, Inc.
-- CFR
Henry B.
Schacht, CEO, Cummins Engines -- CFR
Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., CEO, Pfizer, Inc.
-- CFR
Rand V. Araskog, CEO, ITT Corp.
-- CFR, TC
W. Michael Blumenthal, Chairman, Unisys Corp.
-- CFR
Joseph John Sisco, Dir.
, Geico, Raytheon, Gillette -- CFR
Fred Bucy, Former Pres, CEO, Texas Instruments -- CFR
Paul A. Allaire, Chairman, CEO, Xerox Corp.
-- TC
Dwayne O.
Andreas, Chairman, CEO, Archer Midland Daniels -- TC
James E. Burke, Chairman, CEO Em.
, Johnson & Johnson -- TC
Wayne Calloway, Chairman, CEO, Pepsico -- TC
Frank C. Carlucci, Vice Chmn.
, The Carlyle Group -- TC
Lynn E. Davis, VP, Dir.
, Rand Corp -- TC
Stephen Friedman, Sr.
, VP, Co-Chairman, Goldman, Sachs -- TC
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
, Chairman, CEO, RJR Nabisco -- TC
Joseph T. Gorman, Chairman, Pres, CEO, TRW Inc.
-- TC
Maurice R.
Greenberg, Chairman, CEO, American International Group -- TC
Robert D.
Hass, Chairman, CEO, Levi Strauss -- TC
David J.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: devorah
Date: Mar 22, 2008 9:43 PM
The Date of Easter
(How is the date determined?)
Easter is an annual festival observed throughout the Christian world. The date for Easter shifts every year within the Gregorian Calendar. The Gregorian Calendar is the standard international calendar for civil use. In addition, it regulates the ceremonial cycle of the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches. The current Gregorian ecclesiastical rules that determine the date of Easter trace back to 325 CE at the First Council of Nicaea convened by the Roman Emperor Constantine. At that time the Roman world used the Julian Calendar (put in place by Julius Caesar).
The Council decided to keep Easter on a Sunday, the same Sunday throughout the world. To fix incontrovertibly the date for Easter, and to make it determinable indefinitely in advance, the Council constructed special tables to compute the date. These tables were revised in the following few centuries resulting eventually in the tables constructed by the 6th century Abbot of Scythia, Dionysis Exiguus. Nonetheless, different means of calculations continued in use throughout the Christian world.
In 1582 Gregory XIII (Pope of the Roman Catholic Church) completed a reconstruction of the Julian calendar and produced new Easter tables. One major difference between the Julian and Gregorian Calendar is the "leap year rule". See our FAQ on Calendars for a description of the difference. Universal adoption of this Gregorian calendar occurred slowly. By the 1700's, though, most of western Europe had adopted the Gregorian Calendar. The Eastern Christian churches still determine the Easter dates using the older Julian Calendar method.
The usual statement, that Easter Day is the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs next after the vernal equinox, is not a precise statement of the actual ecclesiastical rules. The full moon involved is not the astronomical Full Moon but an ecclesiastical moon (determined from tables) that keeps, more or less, in step with the astronomical Moon.
The ecclesiastical rules are:
Easter falls on the first Sunday following the first ecclesiastical full moon that occurs on or after the day of the vernal equinox;
this particular ecclesiastical full moon is the 14th day of a tabular lunation (new moon); and
the vernal equinox is fixed as March 21.
Resulting in that Easter can never occur before March 22 or later than April 25. The Gregorian dates for the ecclesiastical full moon come from the Gregorian tables. Therefore, the civil date of Easter depends upon which tables - Gregorian or pre-Gregorian - are used. The western (Roman Catholic and Protestent) Christian churches use the Gregorian tables; many eastern (Orthodox) Christian churches use the older tables based on the Julian Calendar.
In a congress held in 1923, the eastern churches adopted a modified Gregorian Calendar and decided to set the date of Easter according to the astronomical Full Moon for the meridian of Jerusalem. However, a variety of practices remain among the eastern churches.
There are three major differences between the ecclesiastical system and the astronomical system.
The times of the ecclesiastical full moons are not necessarily identical to the times of astronomical Full Moons. The ecclesiastical tables did not account for the full complexity of the lunar motion.
The vernal equinox has a precise astronomical definition determined by the actual motion of the Sun. It is the precise time at which the apparent longitude of the Sun is zero degrees. This precise time shifts within the civil calendar very slightly from year to year. In the ecclesiastical system the vernal equinox does not shift; it is fixed at March 21 regardless of the actual motion of the Sun.
The date of Easter is a specific calendar date. Easter starts when that date starts for your local time zone. The vernal equinox occurs at a specific date and time all over the Earth at once.
Inevitably, then, the date of Easter occasionally differs from a date that depends on the astronomical Full Moon and vernal equinox. In some cases this difference may occur in some parts of the world and not in others because two dates separated by the International Date Line are always simultaneously in progress on the Earth.
For example, take the year 1962. In 1962, the astronomical Full Moon occurred on March 21, UT=7h 55m - about six hours after astronomical equinox. The ecclesiastical full moon (taken from the tables), however, occured on March 20, before the fixed ecclesiastical equinox at March 21. In the astronomical case, the Full Moon followed its equinox; in the ecclesiastical case, it preceeded its equinox. Following the rules, Easter, therefore, was not until the Sunday that followed the next ecclesiastical full moon (Wednesday, April 18) making Easter Sunday, April 22.
Similarly, in 1954 the first ecclesiastical full moon after March 21 fell on Saturday, April 17. Thus, Easter was Sunday, April 18. The astronomical equinox also occurred on March 21. The next astronomical Full Moon occurred on April 18 at UT=5h. So in some places in the world Easter was on the same Sunday as the astronomical Full Moon.
From: devorah
Date: Mar 22, 2008 9:43 PM
The Date of Easter
(How is the date determined?)
Easter is an annual festival observed throughout the Christian world. The date for Easter shifts every year within the Gregorian Calendar. The Gregorian Calendar is the standard international calendar for civil use. In addition, it regulates the ceremonial cycle of the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches. The current Gregorian ecclesiastical rules that determine the date of Easter trace back to 325 CE at the First Council of Nicaea convened by the Roman Emperor Constantine. At that time the Roman world used the Julian Calendar (put in place by Julius Caesar).
The Council decided to keep Easter on a Sunday, the same Sunday throughout the world. To fix incontrovertibly the date for Easter, and to make it determinable indefinitely in advance, the Council constructed special tables to compute the date. These tables were revised in the following few centuries resulting eventually in the tables constructed by the 6th century Abbot of Scythia, Dionysis Exiguus. Nonetheless, different means of calculations continued in use throughout the Christian world.
In 1582 Gregory XIII (Pope of the Roman Catholic Church) completed a reconstruction of the Julian calendar and produced new Easter tables. One major difference between the Julian and Gregorian Calendar is the "leap year rule". See our FAQ on Calendars for a description of the difference. Universal adoption of this Gregorian calendar occurred slowly. By the 1700's, though, most of western Europe had adopted the Gregorian Calendar. The Eastern Christian churches still determine the Easter dates using the older Julian Calendar method.
The usual statement, that Easter Day is the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs next after the vernal equinox, is not a precise statement of the actual ecclesiastical rules. The full moon involved is not the astronomical Full Moon but an ecclesiastical moon (determined from tables) that keeps, more or less, in step with the astronomical Moon.
The ecclesiastical rules are:
Easter falls on the first Sunday following the first ecclesiastical full moon that occurs on or after the day of the vernal equinox;
this particular ecclesiastical full moon is the 14th day of a tabular lunation (new moon); and
the vernal equinox is fixed as March 21.
Resulting in that Easter can never occur before March 22 or later than April 25. The Gregorian dates for the ecclesiastical full moon come from the Gregorian tables. Therefore, the civil date of Easter depends upon which tables - Gregorian or pre-Gregorian - are used. The western (Roman Catholic and Protestent) Christian churches use the Gregorian tables; many eastern (Orthodox) Christian churches use the older tables based on the Julian Calendar.
In a congress held in 1923, the eastern churches adopted a modified Gregorian Calendar and decided to set the date of Easter according to the astronomical Full Moon for the meridian of Jerusalem. However, a variety of practices remain among the eastern churches.
There are three major differences between the ecclesiastical system and the astronomical system.
The times of the ecclesiastical full moons are not necessarily identical to the times of astronomical Full Moons. The ecclesiastical tables did not account for the full complexity of the lunar motion.
The vernal equinox has a precise astronomical definition determined by the actual motion of the Sun. It is the precise time at which the apparent longitude of the Sun is zero degrees. This precise time shifts within the civil calendar very slightly from year to year. In the ecclesiastical system the vernal equinox does not shift; it is fixed at March 21 regardless of the actual motion of the Sun.
The date of Easter is a specific calendar date. Easter starts when that date starts for your local time zone. The vernal equinox occurs at a specific date and time all over the Earth at once.
Inevitably, then, the date of Easter occasionally differs from a date that depends on the astronomical Full Moon and vernal equinox. In some cases this difference may occur in some parts of the world and not in others because two dates separated by the International Date Line are always simultaneously in progress on the Earth.
For example, take the year 1962. In 1962, the astronomical Full Moon occurred on March 21, UT=7h 55m - about six hours after astronomical equinox. The ecclesiastical full moon (taken from the tables), however, occured on March 20, before the fixed ecclesiastical equinox at March 21. In the astronomical case, the Full Moon followed its equinox; in the ecclesiastical case, it preceeded its equinox. Following the rules, Easter, therefore, was not until the Sunday that followed the next ecclesiastical full moon (Wednesday, April 18) making Easter Sunday, April 22.
Similarly, in 1954 the first ecclesiastical full moon after March 21 fell on Saturday, April 17. Thus, Easter was Sunday, April 18. The astronomical equinox also occurred on March 21. The next astronomical Full Moon occurred on April 18 at UT=5h. So in some places in the world Easter was on the same Sunday as the astronomical Full Moon.
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Jesus Loves You And So Do I
Date: Mar 20, 2008 2:25 PM
Thanks to my friend: Sabbath Delight
Date: Mar 20, 2008 10:42 AM
I find this amazing, I did not know about this.
Thank you 7th Days is a sign a covenant a Seal
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: 7th Day is a sign a covenant a Seal
Date: 20/03/2008
I don't like to set dates for the end or the begining of the end but these videos are very interesting and gives everyone something to think about. Are We Ready..............................................What if the end is soon? are we right with our creator.... For in seven days God created the heavens and the earth...We are also the seventh planet from Pluto and we have seven days in the week were does the seven days in a week come from????? There are seven colors in a rainbow....Seven is God's number and the Seventh day is his seal for all mankind...
Nibiru/Planet X photos taken January Two-Thousand Eight
The End Twenty Twelve
From: Jesus Loves You And So Do I
Date: Mar 20, 2008 2:25 PM
Thanks to my friend: Sabbath Delight
Date: Mar 20, 2008 10:42 AM
I find this amazing, I did not know about this.
Thank you 7th Days is a sign a covenant a Seal
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: 7th Day is a sign a covenant a Seal
Date: 20/03/2008
I don't like to set dates for the end or the begining of the end but these videos are very interesting and gives everyone something to think about. Are We Ready..............................................What if the end is soon? are we right with our creator.... For in seven days God created the heavens and the earth...We are also the seventh planet from Pluto and we have seven days in the week were does the seven days in a week come from????? There are seven colors in a rainbow....Seven is God's number and the Seventh day is his seal for all mankind...
Nibiru/Planet X photos taken January Two-Thousand Eight
The End Twenty Twelve
Who has the last word?
"Remember" The 4th Commandment
Date: Mar 17, 2008 11:00 AM
Subject: Bible Study 7, What Time Is It, Part III
BIBLE STUDY #7 What time is it? PART III
So far we've studied the prophetic mechanism that reaches 1844 chronologically. Why is 1844 so important? What does the Bible mean when it says, "then shall the sanctuary be restored'? The answer to this question is not complicated when the underlying issues involved are properly understood.
Even though many people do not appreciate the prophetic importance of 1844 at this time, this is about to change! Interest in this subject will rise from obscurity to intense interest in the near future. As we will see, God has ordained that earth shall know that "the appointed time of the end has come!" For the sake of review, notice that the longest time prophecy in the bible is built solidly upon four historical moments confirmed in scripture:
1. The decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem occurred in 457 B.C. Ezra 7
2. 69 weeks later (483 years) Jesus was baptized and anointed by the Holy Spirit in 27 A.D. Luke 3
3. Jesus was crucified in 30 A.D. at the time of the Passover feast – right on time. John 19
4. Probationary time for the Jews as a nation ended in 34 A.D when the privilege of representing to the Christians. Acts 7-10.
According to Daniel 8:14, the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary began in 1844. The cleansing or restoration of the heavenly sanctuary is very similar to the ancient Day of Atonement service conducted in the wilderness sanctuary. What should this mean to us right now?
Two failures
To appreciate the importance of 1844, we look back to the 70 weeks of probationary time given to the Jewish nation. The 490 years must be contrasted with 1800 years of failed opportunities. Notice the diagram below:
The "appointed time of the end" follows a similar parallel. 1844 marks the beginning of the appointed time of the end (just as 457 B.C. marked the beginning of the 490 years) and the second coming marks the end of the appointed time of the end (just as 34 A.D. marked the end of Jewish probation). The 490 years granted to Israel and the appointed time of the end serve a similar function in that the appointed time of the end is earth's last time period for the Gentiles.
Remember, Jesus chose Israel to be a special people. He patiently dealt with them as a nation for approximately 1800 years. They rejected His love and affection, and ultimately crucified the One who chose them. The promised curses have come to pass. Jesus as His chosen people abandoned Israel in 34 A.D. – it was their choice. So Jesus chose twelve disciples to displace the twelve tribes.
If Israel would be stiff-necked and rebellious, He would have to start over. He formed a new group of people called "Christians." These were to accomplish what the Jews had failed to do. These were to represent His character and love before the world. These were to be channels through which His blessings of love could flow. These were sent out to the Gentiles of the world. The Gentiles were to have their day of opportunity! Jesus told his disciples, "They (the Jews) will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times (years) of the Gentiles are fulfilled." Luke 21:24
The times (or years of probation) of the Gentiles are not over yet! We will see in Revelation that Jesus intends that every gentile hear the gospel call. So, turning from the Jews, Jesus gave the gospel commission to the Christian Church. Maybe they would fulfill their opportunity. But history confirms that the Church also failed to do what Jesus wanted them to do! Here, in brief is the story.
Jesus starts over
For three and half years Jesus patiently taught the disciples about the kingdom of love. After His ascension, the disciples, endowed with the power of the Holy Spirit, labored for Jesus just as He commanded, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you…" Matthew 28:19,20
Satan wasted no time in opposing the developing work of Jesus on earth. His desire for the destruction of Christians was as fierce and determined as it was against the Jews. Satan used every evil resource at his disposal to destroy the knowledge and love of God bestowed upon the Christian church. How did he do it?
Satan wages war
Satan began with torture and death. Those first Christians were defenseless against the rage of "that old serpent, the devil" and for the first three centuries of the church's history, both Jews and Romans relentlessly persecuted Christians. Ironically, persecution of the church accomplished what the Romans and Jews wanted least. As Christians scattered for their lives, they carried the gospel of Jesus with them throughout the world!
But after while, Satan saw that the more he persecuted the church, the larger and more dedicated it became. Persecution served to keep the church pure and its doctrines free of human sophistry. This was not the desired effect, so Satan launched a new form of warfare against the church. He applied the adage, "If you can't lick 'em, join 'em." Satan joined the church! Where he failed in destroying the truth through persecution he would succeed by leading the church to corrupt the teachings of Jesus. He corrupted the truth through educated and eloquent men in leadership positions. While these men outwardly claimed to be Disciples of Christ they were far less than "born again."
Daniel predicted the Christian Church would be antichrist centuries before it existed!
The prophecy recorded in Daniel 7 clearly identifies the corrupting influence of Satan upon the Christian Church and its destructive effects upon God's people. A few comments are presented on this amazing prophecy.
Remember king Nebuchadnezzar's dream? He saw kingdoms of man outlined in the form of a man made of various metals. A few years after the king's vision, Daniel had a vision that essentially covered the same kingdoms and time periods. The prophetic process of repetition and enlargement is clearly seen here. The king saw a broad picture of future events and Daniel saw the same thing but with more detail!
Daniel see a lion, bear, leopard and a terrible beast
The vision is recorded in Daniel 7. You should read this entire chapter from your Bible to understand all that Daniel saw. Basically, Daniel's dream contained four strange beasts. They were unusual beasts in the features were added to their bodies to highlight certain characteristics: They were:
1. A lion with eagle wings
2. A bear with three ribs in its mouth
3. A leopard with four wings and four heads
4. A terrible beast with ten horns
Daniel was particularly awed at the fourth beast having ten horns because it had unusual power, was indescribable in its fury, and ultimately focused its wrath on the saints of God. The accompanying angel told Daniel the four beasts represented four kingdoms that would rise from the earth. Many historians agree that four beasts seen by Daniel represent the same kingdoms seen by Nebuchadnezzar. The Bible often parallels prophetic themes with additional information to help us understand the meaning of a prophecy. (Compare the beasts with lesson 6) So, the lion represented Babylon, the bear, Medo-Persia; the leopard, Grecia and the four beasts represent the fourth kingdom, Rome. The harmony of the chronological sequence and the contents of the visions with historical confirmation place this matter beyond reasonable controversy.
The fourth beast
Even though Daniel observed four beasts in his vision, he was most distressed and awed by the fourth beast, for it was very different than the other beasts. This beast persecuted the saints. The following is a brief summery of the fourth beast as described in Daniel 7 and the little horn that came out of the fourth beast:
1. It starts out as the fourth world empire.
2. It is unusual in strength and furious with enemies.
3. It has teeth of iron.
4. Out of this kingdom ten horns (or kings) arise.
5. After the ten kings appear, a little horn arises and, in so doing, uproots three of the original kings.
6. This new horn has all the fierce qualities of its parent, the terrible fourth beast.
7. The little becomes a great horn – much stronger than any of the remaining horns.
8. The little horn power blasphemes the God of heaven.
9. The little horn power wars against the saints for a specified time.
10. The little horn power "thinks" to change times and laws.
11. The little horn power endures until the end of the world.
Historically, the fourth beast has been clearly identified as Rome for almost 1500 years. The little horn power (items 5-11 above) has likewise been identified by students of prophecy for almost fifteen centuries as an antichrist power. There is no question concerning the character of the little horn. It is antichrist. The identity of this antichrist power is necessary because it has a leading role in the last day events!
The little horn power is the great spiritual power that came out of the fourth kingdom, Rome! For more than seven hundred years students of prophecy have called the little horn power the universal Christian or the Roman Catholic Church.
Note: The following is a brief description of what happened in the course of history to the Christian Church as it moved farther and farther away from the truth of God's Word by replacing the teachings of the Bible with man-made traditions or doctrines. The sponsor of this Bible study sincerely believe there are many wonderful and dedicated Christian people within the Roman Catholic Church who love their church and faithfully practice its teachings. Many of its members have not had an opportunity or sufficient reason to consider the Protestant view of the Church's history. Even further, many Catholics have little or no knowledge concerning the origins of its doctrines or teachings. Upon examination, many Catholics are shocked to learn that many Church doctrines have no Biblical basis whatsoever.
Process of identification
By what means did the Protestant Reformers identify the Catholic Church as being antichrist? A collection of writings calling for reformation within the Roman Church began to circulate about 1300 A.D. As time passed, the number of people calling for change significantly increased. Those denouncing teachings or doctrines promoted by the Church that had no biblical basis became known as "protestors" or "protestants." Their united plea was simple, "Away with the harsh and unjust rule of Roman clerics teaching mad-made traditions. Give us the Bible alone as the Word of God. Sola Scriptura!"
The pleas of the protestors provoked power church officials so that eventually, any or all protestors were condemned to the dungeon, stake or sword. Persecution, torture, discouragement and death are some of Satan's most persuasive tools!
Some of the better known reformers involved in the initial call for reformation were Wycliff, Huss, Jerome, Luther, Calvin, Knox, and Tyndale. As the conflict between the Protestants and the Catholic Church grew, educated men throughout Europe began identifying the little horn power in Daniel 7 as the Papacy. The following steps generally derived their conclusions:
Rome – Fourth beast
The terrible fourth beast in Daniel 7 is historically confirmed and recognized as civil Rome, the fourth universal kingdom of the world. Civil Rome came to power about 168 B.C. with the overthrow of Greece. The powerful teeth of iron belonging to the terrible beast (remember, the legs of Nebuchadnezzar's image representing this fourth kingdom in Daniel 2 were also made of iron) fittingly described the unusual strength of Rome's military legions since they were first to extensively use iron weapons.
Ten horns overtake Rome
The ten horns that overcame Rome were recognized by reformers as the ten kingdoms into which civil Rome (Europe) was divided around 476 A.D. They were: Ostrogoths, Heruli, Franks, Vandals, Lombards, Visigoths, Suevi, Burgundians, Alamanni and the Anglo-Saxon.
Little horn overtakes three horns
According to Daniel, the little horn power was to become prominent after the ten horns were active. While it may be said the Christian Church began at the time of Christ. It must be understood that the church grew from infancy to great political power over a period of about 5 centuries. According to Daniel's prophecy, the little horn power would become stronger than any of the ten kingdoms represented by the ten horns! A major point is made that after the ten horns are in power, then the little horn rises to power.
According to the prophecy, the little horn would distinguish itself from the other kingdoms, by "plucking" up of the original ten horns or kingdoms by their roots. The Roman Church (the little horn) plucked up three horns (three tribal nations) known as the Ostrogoths, Vandals, and the Heruli as it rose to power. These three tribal nations were destroyed over a theological dispute on the deity of Christ. Historically, this dispute is known as the "Arian controversy." The dominating influence of the emerging Christian Church upon the remaining seven tribal nations is clearly demonstrated in this portion of the prophecy for the war against those holding "Arian" views was concluded by 538 A.D.
Little horn wages war on saints
According to Daniel, the little horn power would have the same fierce qualities as its parent, the fourth beast. The little horn would become stronger than all the other horns. It would have a mouth that spoke against the Most High and it would have eyes like a man.
As the church became politically powerful, she became lord over the nations of Europe. It was the Church that appointed Kings and Queens. The Church decided political issues.
The Church eventually ruled the world. The Church claimed the right to determine eternal life or death upon her subjects. She was as determined and cruel in conquering her foes as the pagan parent was. To expand her power and influence, the Pope promised forgiveness of sin – past, present and future along with eternal salvation to anyone willing to fight for the Holy Roman Empire. Millions perished in crusades fought in the name of God. The Roman Catholic Church conquered Europe and literally ruled with an "iron" fist for almost 13 centuries.
The Church exercised a number of spiritual prerogatives that blasphemes God's truth. For example, the Church claims infallibility for its leader! "We teach and define it to be a dogma divinely revealed that the Roman Pontiff, when he speaks ex cathedra, that is, when action in his office as pastor and teacher of all Christians, by his supreme Apostolic authority…he enjoys that infallibility with which the divine Redeemer willed His Church to be endowed in defining doctrine concerning faith and morals; and therefore such definitions of the said Roman Pontiff are irreformable of themselves, and not from the consent of the Church" (Quoted from a booklet titled The Papacy, Expression of God's Love, page 29, published by the knights of Columbus).
Little horn empowered 1260 years
Daniel predicted the little horn power would persecute the saints of God for a time, times and half a time. This phrase represents three and a half years. A "time" equals one year. A "times" represents two years, and "half a time" represents half a year. We know these terms represent 1260 days because John uses these time periods in an interchangeable way. See Revelation 12:6,14 If we use the day/year principle described in previous lessons, the 1,260 days of the prophecy represents 1,260 literal years. The day/year principle must be followed in this chapter because certain scenes in this vision correspond with the timing of the 2,300 years. This point will be studied in the next lesson.
Protestant reformers as 538 A.D. established the beginning of the 1,260-year period when the Pope began exercising authority of life and death over the subjects of the fragmented Roman Empire. Emperor Justinian had previously granted absolute power as "Corrector of Heretics" to the Pope through an imperial decree in 533. Giving such power to the Church set the stage for the beginning of a terrible reign of terror by Roman Pontiffs that would become known as the "dark ages."
If 533 is the correct commencement date of Papal authority, and the day/year principle is applicable, a break or termination in the power of the papacy should occur 1260 later in 1798. A significant number of Protestants wrote years before the fall of the Papacy that Church power should be broken some time in the 18th century! Writers such as Thomas Parker, 1646; Increase Mather, president of Harvard, 1723; William Burnet, 1724; and Richard Clark, 1759, and others anticipated the prophetic collapse of the Roman Church power during the 18th century!
Napoleon unwittingly fulfilled the 1260-year prophecy by capturing the Pope and putting him in prison in February 1798. Thus the predicted 1260 years of Papal rule and persecutions described by Daniel were fulfilled.
Little horn "thinks" to change law of God
Daniel predicted the little horn power would "think" to change times and laws. In 787 A.D. at the Second Nicean Council, the second commandment was entirely removed from the Ten Commandments and the tenth commandment was divided into two separate commandments so ten would remain. This was done so questions about the use of images or icons in worship would not come up. In addition, the fourth commandment was reduced to just a few words so questions would not be raised about the day of worship. Compare the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:3-17) with a Catholic Catechism for confirmation on these changes.
Little horn claims to be God on earth
As a capstone for identification, Protestants for 400 + years have argued that the blasphemous title of the Pope, which in Latin is "Vicarious Filli Dei", and means "in place of the Son of God", was a fulfillment of prophecy. In English, differing forms of this title are used: for example, "Vicar of Jesus Christ" or, "Vicar of God." Regardless which term is used, the meaning is still the same, "in place of the Son of God."
"Anti" Christ
Historically speaking, Protestants found only one organization that met all the specifications of the little horn of Daniel 7. It was the Papacy. (Even though there is debate within Protestantism today as to who the little horn power is, the chronological and historical harmony of the prophecy leaves no room for misinterpretation.) The point is that Satan succeeded again. He so corrupted the Christian Church that it became "anti" Christ. The Church sentenced well over 100 million people to death during it reign for refusing to receive its doctrines. For some time Satan had what he wanted all along – control of earth! The devil has ever worked to have people worship anything or anyone but Jesus. Revelation predicts that the Antichrist (Satan himself) will yet appear on earth and claim all power and authority that rightfully belongs to God! This will be the final blasphemy! Webster defines blasphemy as "taking the prerogatives of God."
History repeated
Again, it is said that Satan is the Antichrist. He led the Jews to become antichrist during a period of 1,800 years and he succeeded in causing the Christian Church to do the same in about the same length of time! In both cases, he achieved his goals by putting self-centered, ambitious and unprincipled men into leadership. Love of money and power hold greater reward and satisfaction to the carnal nature than following the teaching of the humble and meek Carpenter from Nazareth.
Jesus starts over a final time
Jesus did not give up even though the Jews and the Christian Church became "antichrist."
Just as He called men and women out of Judaism to begin the Christian Church, He called those who loved and sought truth out of a Christian Church to a new movement.
Historically, this new organization is called the Protestant Reformation. Thus Jesus passed the responsibility of giving the gospel from the Christians to Protestants.
Note: The term Christian as used in this review of history applies to Roman Catholic Church, which still claims to possess the one and only true Christian faith. Even though Protestants claim to be Christians, there is a vast theological difference between Catholics and Protestants.)
Incredible timing
The timing of prophetic events is incredible! The Catholic Church was "wounded" in 1798 when General Breathier captured the Pope and placed him in prison. The iron grip of Rome was finally broken. The Protestant Movement would rapidly grow and become a dominant world influence. Truth could ever flourish The Dark Ages were over. Jesus rose up the Protestant Movement so that men and women could hear "more" Bible truth.
Truths such as salvation by faith, the ministry of Jesus in heaven instead of priestly ministry through Rome, the second coming and the prophetic meaning of 1844 are among these truths! The Roman Catholic system was brought down so that truth might prosper.
Bibles could be printed and freely distributed, and freedom of worship became an inalienable right. No longer would people have to be separated from the knowledge of God by a priest. Everyone could own a Bible and have the liberty to search for truth!
Even though the point has not yet been clearly made, the contents of this lesson sets the stage for 1844 and beyond, for the Bible predicts a healing or future restoration of Papal power! (A rapid process which is being observed at this very time.) The first rise and fall of the Papacy occurred on time as predicted in Daniel and the second will be just as timely. Notice that less than 50 years separate the fall of Papal rule in 1798 and the completion of the 2,300 year prophecy in 1844. These two events are related and our next lesson will study this interesting relationship.
For 1800 years the Christian Church had an opportunity to accomplish what the Jews failed to do. But alas, the roman Church became as evil and "anti" Christ as their predecessors the Jews. The Holy Roman Empire was brought down at the end of the 1,260 years in 1798 by a dictator refusing to believe in God. Even though Napoleon, like Nebuchadnezzar, didn't know the God of heaven, history and waterloo confirms again that there is a God that sets up kings and takes them down. (Daniel 4:25)
Jesus then rose up the Protestants. They received the responsibility to proclaim the truth of God's Word. This point is most important for somebody on earth has to be able to tell the rest of the world about "the appointed time of the end." You will see the critical reason for this point in a future lesson. Looking at the pitiful condition of Protestantism today, we may be able to guess why Revelation refers to the saints at the end of the world as a "remnant."
Date: Mar 17, 2008 11:00 AM
Subject: Bible Study 7, What Time Is It, Part III
BIBLE STUDY #7 What time is it? PART III
So far we've studied the prophetic mechanism that reaches 1844 chronologically. Why is 1844 so important? What does the Bible mean when it says, "then shall the sanctuary be restored'? The answer to this question is not complicated when the underlying issues involved are properly understood.
Even though many people do not appreciate the prophetic importance of 1844 at this time, this is about to change! Interest in this subject will rise from obscurity to intense interest in the near future. As we will see, God has ordained that earth shall know that "the appointed time of the end has come!" For the sake of review, notice that the longest time prophecy in the bible is built solidly upon four historical moments confirmed in scripture:
1. The decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem occurred in 457 B.C. Ezra 7
2. 69 weeks later (483 years) Jesus was baptized and anointed by the Holy Spirit in 27 A.D. Luke 3
3. Jesus was crucified in 30 A.D. at the time of the Passover feast – right on time. John 19
4. Probationary time for the Jews as a nation ended in 34 A.D when the privilege of representing to the Christians. Acts 7-10.
According to Daniel 8:14, the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary began in 1844. The cleansing or restoration of the heavenly sanctuary is very similar to the ancient Day of Atonement service conducted in the wilderness sanctuary. What should this mean to us right now?
Two failures
To appreciate the importance of 1844, we look back to the 70 weeks of probationary time given to the Jewish nation. The 490 years must be contrasted with 1800 years of failed opportunities. Notice the diagram below:
The "appointed time of the end" follows a similar parallel. 1844 marks the beginning of the appointed time of the end (just as 457 B.C. marked the beginning of the 490 years) and the second coming marks the end of the appointed time of the end (just as 34 A.D. marked the end of Jewish probation). The 490 years granted to Israel and the appointed time of the end serve a similar function in that the appointed time of the end is earth's last time period for the Gentiles.
Remember, Jesus chose Israel to be a special people. He patiently dealt with them as a nation for approximately 1800 years. They rejected His love and affection, and ultimately crucified the One who chose them. The promised curses have come to pass. Jesus as His chosen people abandoned Israel in 34 A.D. – it was their choice. So Jesus chose twelve disciples to displace the twelve tribes.
If Israel would be stiff-necked and rebellious, He would have to start over. He formed a new group of people called "Christians." These were to accomplish what the Jews had failed to do. These were to represent His character and love before the world. These were to be channels through which His blessings of love could flow. These were sent out to the Gentiles of the world. The Gentiles were to have their day of opportunity! Jesus told his disciples, "They (the Jews) will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times (years) of the Gentiles are fulfilled." Luke 21:24
The times (or years of probation) of the Gentiles are not over yet! We will see in Revelation that Jesus intends that every gentile hear the gospel call. So, turning from the Jews, Jesus gave the gospel commission to the Christian Church. Maybe they would fulfill their opportunity. But history confirms that the Church also failed to do what Jesus wanted them to do! Here, in brief is the story.
Jesus starts over
For three and half years Jesus patiently taught the disciples about the kingdom of love. After His ascension, the disciples, endowed with the power of the Holy Spirit, labored for Jesus just as He commanded, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you…" Matthew 28:19,20
Satan wasted no time in opposing the developing work of Jesus on earth. His desire for the destruction of Christians was as fierce and determined as it was against the Jews. Satan used every evil resource at his disposal to destroy the knowledge and love of God bestowed upon the Christian church. How did he do it?
Satan wages war
Satan began with torture and death. Those first Christians were defenseless against the rage of "that old serpent, the devil" and for the first three centuries of the church's history, both Jews and Romans relentlessly persecuted Christians. Ironically, persecution of the church accomplished what the Romans and Jews wanted least. As Christians scattered for their lives, they carried the gospel of Jesus with them throughout the world!
But after while, Satan saw that the more he persecuted the church, the larger and more dedicated it became. Persecution served to keep the church pure and its doctrines free of human sophistry. This was not the desired effect, so Satan launched a new form of warfare against the church. He applied the adage, "If you can't lick 'em, join 'em." Satan joined the church! Where he failed in destroying the truth through persecution he would succeed by leading the church to corrupt the teachings of Jesus. He corrupted the truth through educated and eloquent men in leadership positions. While these men outwardly claimed to be Disciples of Christ they were far less than "born again."
Daniel predicted the Christian Church would be antichrist centuries before it existed!
The prophecy recorded in Daniel 7 clearly identifies the corrupting influence of Satan upon the Christian Church and its destructive effects upon God's people. A few comments are presented on this amazing prophecy.
Remember king Nebuchadnezzar's dream? He saw kingdoms of man outlined in the form of a man made of various metals. A few years after the king's vision, Daniel had a vision that essentially covered the same kingdoms and time periods. The prophetic process of repetition and enlargement is clearly seen here. The king saw a broad picture of future events and Daniel saw the same thing but with more detail!
Daniel see a lion, bear, leopard and a terrible beast
The vision is recorded in Daniel 7. You should read this entire chapter from your Bible to understand all that Daniel saw. Basically, Daniel's dream contained four strange beasts. They were unusual beasts in the features were added to their bodies to highlight certain characteristics: They were:
1. A lion with eagle wings
2. A bear with three ribs in its mouth
3. A leopard with four wings and four heads
4. A terrible beast with ten horns
Daniel was particularly awed at the fourth beast having ten horns because it had unusual power, was indescribable in its fury, and ultimately focused its wrath on the saints of God. The accompanying angel told Daniel the four beasts represented four kingdoms that would rise from the earth. Many historians agree that four beasts seen by Daniel represent the same kingdoms seen by Nebuchadnezzar. The Bible often parallels prophetic themes with additional information to help us understand the meaning of a prophecy. (Compare the beasts with lesson 6) So, the lion represented Babylon, the bear, Medo-Persia; the leopard, Grecia and the four beasts represent the fourth kingdom, Rome. The harmony of the chronological sequence and the contents of the visions with historical confirmation place this matter beyond reasonable controversy.
The fourth beast
Even though Daniel observed four beasts in his vision, he was most distressed and awed by the fourth beast, for it was very different than the other beasts. This beast persecuted the saints. The following is a brief summery of the fourth beast as described in Daniel 7 and the little horn that came out of the fourth beast:
1. It starts out as the fourth world empire.
2. It is unusual in strength and furious with enemies.
3. It has teeth of iron.
4. Out of this kingdom ten horns (or kings) arise.
5. After the ten kings appear, a little horn arises and, in so doing, uproots three of the original kings.
6. This new horn has all the fierce qualities of its parent, the terrible fourth beast.
7. The little becomes a great horn – much stronger than any of the remaining horns.
8. The little horn power blasphemes the God of heaven.
9. The little horn power wars against the saints for a specified time.
10. The little horn power "thinks" to change times and laws.
11. The little horn power endures until the end of the world.
Historically, the fourth beast has been clearly identified as Rome for almost 1500 years. The little horn power (items 5-11 above) has likewise been identified by students of prophecy for almost fifteen centuries as an antichrist power. There is no question concerning the character of the little horn. It is antichrist. The identity of this antichrist power is necessary because it has a leading role in the last day events!
The little horn power is the great spiritual power that came out of the fourth kingdom, Rome! For more than seven hundred years students of prophecy have called the little horn power the universal Christian or the Roman Catholic Church.
Note: The following is a brief description of what happened in the course of history to the Christian Church as it moved farther and farther away from the truth of God's Word by replacing the teachings of the Bible with man-made traditions or doctrines. The sponsor of this Bible study sincerely believe there are many wonderful and dedicated Christian people within the Roman Catholic Church who love their church and faithfully practice its teachings. Many of its members have not had an opportunity or sufficient reason to consider the Protestant view of the Church's history. Even further, many Catholics have little or no knowledge concerning the origins of its doctrines or teachings. Upon examination, many Catholics are shocked to learn that many Church doctrines have no Biblical basis whatsoever.
Process of identification
By what means did the Protestant Reformers identify the Catholic Church as being antichrist? A collection of writings calling for reformation within the Roman Church began to circulate about 1300 A.D. As time passed, the number of people calling for change significantly increased. Those denouncing teachings or doctrines promoted by the Church that had no biblical basis became known as "protestors" or "protestants." Their united plea was simple, "Away with the harsh and unjust rule of Roman clerics teaching mad-made traditions. Give us the Bible alone as the Word of God. Sola Scriptura!"
The pleas of the protestors provoked power church officials so that eventually, any or all protestors were condemned to the dungeon, stake or sword. Persecution, torture, discouragement and death are some of Satan's most persuasive tools!
Some of the better known reformers involved in the initial call for reformation were Wycliff, Huss, Jerome, Luther, Calvin, Knox, and Tyndale. As the conflict between the Protestants and the Catholic Church grew, educated men throughout Europe began identifying the little horn power in Daniel 7 as the Papacy. The following steps generally derived their conclusions:
Rome – Fourth beast
The terrible fourth beast in Daniel 7 is historically confirmed and recognized as civil Rome, the fourth universal kingdom of the world. Civil Rome came to power about 168 B.C. with the overthrow of Greece. The powerful teeth of iron belonging to the terrible beast (remember, the legs of Nebuchadnezzar's image representing this fourth kingdom in Daniel 2 were also made of iron) fittingly described the unusual strength of Rome's military legions since they were first to extensively use iron weapons.
Ten horns overtake Rome
The ten horns that overcame Rome were recognized by reformers as the ten kingdoms into which civil Rome (Europe) was divided around 476 A.D. They were: Ostrogoths, Heruli, Franks, Vandals, Lombards, Visigoths, Suevi, Burgundians, Alamanni and the Anglo-Saxon.
Little horn overtakes three horns
According to Daniel, the little horn power was to become prominent after the ten horns were active. While it may be said the Christian Church began at the time of Christ. It must be understood that the church grew from infancy to great political power over a period of about 5 centuries. According to Daniel's prophecy, the little horn power would become stronger than any of the ten kingdoms represented by the ten horns! A major point is made that after the ten horns are in power, then the little horn rises to power.
According to the prophecy, the little horn would distinguish itself from the other kingdoms, by "plucking" up of the original ten horns or kingdoms by their roots. The Roman Church (the little horn) plucked up three horns (three tribal nations) known as the Ostrogoths, Vandals, and the Heruli as it rose to power. These three tribal nations were destroyed over a theological dispute on the deity of Christ. Historically, this dispute is known as the "Arian controversy." The dominating influence of the emerging Christian Church upon the remaining seven tribal nations is clearly demonstrated in this portion of the prophecy for the war against those holding "Arian" views was concluded by 538 A.D.
Little horn wages war on saints
According to Daniel, the little horn power would have the same fierce qualities as its parent, the fourth beast. The little horn would become stronger than all the other horns. It would have a mouth that spoke against the Most High and it would have eyes like a man.
As the church became politically powerful, she became lord over the nations of Europe. It was the Church that appointed Kings and Queens. The Church decided political issues.
The Church eventually ruled the world. The Church claimed the right to determine eternal life or death upon her subjects. She was as determined and cruel in conquering her foes as the pagan parent was. To expand her power and influence, the Pope promised forgiveness of sin – past, present and future along with eternal salvation to anyone willing to fight for the Holy Roman Empire. Millions perished in crusades fought in the name of God. The Roman Catholic Church conquered Europe and literally ruled with an "iron" fist for almost 13 centuries.
The Church exercised a number of spiritual prerogatives that blasphemes God's truth. For example, the Church claims infallibility for its leader! "We teach and define it to be a dogma divinely revealed that the Roman Pontiff, when he speaks ex cathedra, that is, when action in his office as pastor and teacher of all Christians, by his supreme Apostolic authority…he enjoys that infallibility with which the divine Redeemer willed His Church to be endowed in defining doctrine concerning faith and morals; and therefore such definitions of the said Roman Pontiff are irreformable of themselves, and not from the consent of the Church" (Quoted from a booklet titled The Papacy, Expression of God's Love, page 29, published by the knights of Columbus).
Little horn empowered 1260 years
Daniel predicted the little horn power would persecute the saints of God for a time, times and half a time. This phrase represents three and a half years. A "time" equals one year. A "times" represents two years, and "half a time" represents half a year. We know these terms represent 1260 days because John uses these time periods in an interchangeable way. See Revelation 12:6,14 If we use the day/year principle described in previous lessons, the 1,260 days of the prophecy represents 1,260 literal years. The day/year principle must be followed in this chapter because certain scenes in this vision correspond with the timing of the 2,300 years. This point will be studied in the next lesson.
Protestant reformers as 538 A.D. established the beginning of the 1,260-year period when the Pope began exercising authority of life and death over the subjects of the fragmented Roman Empire. Emperor Justinian had previously granted absolute power as "Corrector of Heretics" to the Pope through an imperial decree in 533. Giving such power to the Church set the stage for the beginning of a terrible reign of terror by Roman Pontiffs that would become known as the "dark ages."
If 533 is the correct commencement date of Papal authority, and the day/year principle is applicable, a break or termination in the power of the papacy should occur 1260 later in 1798. A significant number of Protestants wrote years before the fall of the Papacy that Church power should be broken some time in the 18th century! Writers such as Thomas Parker, 1646; Increase Mather, president of Harvard, 1723; William Burnet, 1724; and Richard Clark, 1759, and others anticipated the prophetic collapse of the Roman Church power during the 18th century!
Napoleon unwittingly fulfilled the 1260-year prophecy by capturing the Pope and putting him in prison in February 1798. Thus the predicted 1260 years of Papal rule and persecutions described by Daniel were fulfilled.
Little horn "thinks" to change law of God
Daniel predicted the little horn power would "think" to change times and laws. In 787 A.D. at the Second Nicean Council, the second commandment was entirely removed from the Ten Commandments and the tenth commandment was divided into two separate commandments so ten would remain. This was done so questions about the use of images or icons in worship would not come up. In addition, the fourth commandment was reduced to just a few words so questions would not be raised about the day of worship. Compare the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:3-17) with a Catholic Catechism for confirmation on these changes.
Little horn claims to be God on earth
As a capstone for identification, Protestants for 400 + years have argued that the blasphemous title of the Pope, which in Latin is "Vicarious Filli Dei", and means "in place of the Son of God", was a fulfillment of prophecy. In English, differing forms of this title are used: for example, "Vicar of Jesus Christ" or, "Vicar of God." Regardless which term is used, the meaning is still the same, "in place of the Son of God."
"Anti" Christ
Historically speaking, Protestants found only one organization that met all the specifications of the little horn of Daniel 7. It was the Papacy. (Even though there is debate within Protestantism today as to who the little horn power is, the chronological and historical harmony of the prophecy leaves no room for misinterpretation.) The point is that Satan succeeded again. He so corrupted the Christian Church that it became "anti" Christ. The Church sentenced well over 100 million people to death during it reign for refusing to receive its doctrines. For some time Satan had what he wanted all along – control of earth! The devil has ever worked to have people worship anything or anyone but Jesus. Revelation predicts that the Antichrist (Satan himself) will yet appear on earth and claim all power and authority that rightfully belongs to God! This will be the final blasphemy! Webster defines blasphemy as "taking the prerogatives of God."
History repeated
Again, it is said that Satan is the Antichrist. He led the Jews to become antichrist during a period of 1,800 years and he succeeded in causing the Christian Church to do the same in about the same length of time! In both cases, he achieved his goals by putting self-centered, ambitious and unprincipled men into leadership. Love of money and power hold greater reward and satisfaction to the carnal nature than following the teaching of the humble and meek Carpenter from Nazareth.
Jesus starts over a final time
Jesus did not give up even though the Jews and the Christian Church became "antichrist."
Just as He called men and women out of Judaism to begin the Christian Church, He called those who loved and sought truth out of a Christian Church to a new movement.
Historically, this new organization is called the Protestant Reformation. Thus Jesus passed the responsibility of giving the gospel from the Christians to Protestants.
Note: The term Christian as used in this review of history applies to Roman Catholic Church, which still claims to possess the one and only true Christian faith. Even though Protestants claim to be Christians, there is a vast theological difference between Catholics and Protestants.)
Incredible timing
The timing of prophetic events is incredible! The Catholic Church was "wounded" in 1798 when General Breathier captured the Pope and placed him in prison. The iron grip of Rome was finally broken. The Protestant Movement would rapidly grow and become a dominant world influence. Truth could ever flourish The Dark Ages were over. Jesus rose up the Protestant Movement so that men and women could hear "more" Bible truth.
Truths such as salvation by faith, the ministry of Jesus in heaven instead of priestly ministry through Rome, the second coming and the prophetic meaning of 1844 are among these truths! The Roman Catholic system was brought down so that truth might prosper.
Bibles could be printed and freely distributed, and freedom of worship became an inalienable right. No longer would people have to be separated from the knowledge of God by a priest. Everyone could own a Bible and have the liberty to search for truth!
Even though the point has not yet been clearly made, the contents of this lesson sets the stage for 1844 and beyond, for the Bible predicts a healing or future restoration of Papal power! (A rapid process which is being observed at this very time.) The first rise and fall of the Papacy occurred on time as predicted in Daniel and the second will be just as timely. Notice that less than 50 years separate the fall of Papal rule in 1798 and the completion of the 2,300 year prophecy in 1844. These two events are related and our next lesson will study this interesting relationship.
For 1800 years the Christian Church had an opportunity to accomplish what the Jews failed to do. But alas, the roman Church became as evil and "anti" Christ as their predecessors the Jews. The Holy Roman Empire was brought down at the end of the 1,260 years in 1798 by a dictator refusing to believe in God. Even though Napoleon, like Nebuchadnezzar, didn't know the God of heaven, history and waterloo confirms again that there is a God that sets up kings and takes them down. (Daniel 4:25)
Jesus then rose up the Protestants. They received the responsibility to proclaim the truth of God's Word. This point is most important for somebody on earth has to be able to tell the rest of the world about "the appointed time of the end." You will see the critical reason for this point in a future lesson. Looking at the pitiful condition of Protestantism today, we may be able to guess why Revelation refers to the saints at the end of the world as a "remnant."
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